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Social science is the study of society and its components such as culture, economics, politics, governments, law, education, business and human behavior. These are human systems that are extremely complex and surrounded in grey areas such as perception, language, social behavior and thinking such that social sciences are soft sciences. The following academic fields and subjects are considered social science.
Accountancy | Anthropology | Archaeology | Behavioral Science | Business | Civics | Commerce | Communications | Community Development | Criminology | Cultural Studies | Demography | Development Studies | Economics | Education | Environmental Planning | Ethics | Ethnography | Finance | Gerontology | History | Human Ecology | Human Geography | Human Services | Information Science | International Relations | International Studies | Law | Library Science | Linguistics | Management | Marketing | Media Studies | Organizational Studies | Political Science | Psychology | Public Administration | Public Health | Public Policy | Religious Studies | Social Philosophy | Social Work | Sociology | Urban Planning |
There is much overlap between science, social science and the humanities.Soft ScienceThe way that people think can't be measured with much accuracy and precision such that areas such as economics, marketing, politics, education and psychology are often based on broad assumptions that aren't always true. For example, economics is largely founded on the assumption that market participants are rational. This isn't always true as captured by the concept of bounded rationality. Soft sciences can be based on the scientific method but reproducibility of results and the predictive accuracy of models may be less than in hard sciences where observations tend to be quite precise and accurate.
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