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Music Experiences

54 Examples of Music Experiences

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Music experiences are opportunities to create, perform, enjoy and learn about music. This includes events such as concerts, music related performances such as dance, unstructured activities such as listening to music and structured activities such as formal music education. Music is also a shared experience and social activity such as social dance. The following are common examples of music experiences.
Ballet Performances
Band Rehearsals
Chamber Music Recitals
Classical Music Concerts
Community Choir Groups
DJ Sets
Dance Choreography
Dance Competitions
Dance Festivals
Dance Lessons
Dance Performances
Drum Circles
Film Scoring
Forming a Band
Glee Club
Instrument Lessons
Jam Sessions
Jazz Band
Jazz Clubs
Learning an Instrument
Listening to Music
Marching Band
Music Appreciation Clubs
Music Auditions
Music Camps
Music Competitions
Music Composition
Music Festivals
Music Industry Events
Music Parties
Music Production
Music Theory Classes
Music Workshops
Musical Scoring for Video Games
Musical Theater
Opera Performances
Piano Recitals
Private Music Lessons
Recording Studio Sessions
School Band
School Orchestra
Social Dance
Street Performances
Symphony Orchestra Concerts
Traditional Dances

Music Genres

It is common to accumulate musical experience in different genres of music. These are categories of music defined by their style and common background such that each genre emerged from a music scene.


Music experiences include music appreciation, learning about music, practicing music, composing music and adventurous pursuits such as music festivals. The following are additional examples of music experiences.
Next: Music Genres
More about music:
Human Experience
Media Assets
Music Experiences
Music Genres
Music Industry
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