Antibiotics | Artificial intelligence Artificial organs |
Atomic theory | Big Bang theory |
Brain-machine interfaces | Carbon nanotubes |
Cell theory | Chaos theory |
Composite materials | Computers |
Cryptography | Dark matter hypothesis |
Digital cameras | Discovery of antimatter |
Discovery of cosmic rays | Discovery of DNA |
Discovery of plate tectonics | Discovery of pulsars |
Discovery of radioactivity | Discovery of stratospheric ozone depletion |
Discovery of the neutron | Discovery of the solar wind |
Electric light bulb | Electron microscopes |
Exoplanet discoveries | Fiber optics |
Gene therapy | Genetic engineering |
Germ theory of disease | High-energy particle physics |
Holography | Human genome sequencing |
Inflationary universe theory | Integrated circuits |
Jet engines | Lasers |
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) | Mass spectrometry |
Metamaterials | Microbiome research |
Mobile phones | Modern microscopes |
Modern telescopes | Nanomedicine |
Nanotechnology | Nuclear fusion research |
Nuclear power | Particle accelerators |
Plastics | Plate tectonics theory |
Quantum computing | Quantum field theory |
Quantum mechanics | Radar |
Radioactive dating | Refrigeration |
Robotics | Satellites |
Solar panels | Space exploration |
Space telescopes | Stem cell research |
String theory | Superconductors |
Synthetic polymers such as nylon | The telegraph & telephone |
The television | Theory of evolution |
Theory of natural selection | Thermodynamics |
Transistors | Uncertainty principle |
Vaccines | X-ray technology |