Absent-Minded Professor | Aimless |
Aloof | Antisocial |
Anxiety | Arrogance |
Audacious | Backstabber |
Bad Liar | Biases |
Bleak | Bluntness |
Boring | Breaks the Law |
Callous | Can't Keep a Secret |
Childish | Commitment Issues |
Compulsive | Cowardice |
Craves Attention | Cruel |
Defensiveness | Delusional |
Directionless | Dishonest |
Disloyal | Easily Distracted |
Easily Offended | Egotistical |
Evil Genius | Excessive Curiosity |
Fails At Humor | Fake |
Feelings of Inadequacy | Forgetful |
Frivolous | Goofy |
Gossipy | Greed |
Gullibility | Hater |
Heavy Sleeper | Hubris |
Humorless | Hypocrisy |
Idealist | Immature |
Impulsive | Incompetent |
Indecisiveness | Indulgent |
Infamy | Irrational Fears |
Jaded | Jealous |
Judgemental | Laziness |
Low Intelligence | Manipulative |
Messy | Mischievous |
Mistrust of Others | Mysterious Dark Past |
Mysterious Dark Side | Naivety |
Narcissist | Neat-Freak |
Need for Validation | Nerdy |
No Self-Control | Nosy |
Obsessive | Out of Touch |
Overambitious | Overly Competitive |
Overly Dramatic | Overly Emotional |
Overly Logical | Overly Practical |
Overly Privileged | Overly Talkative |
Own Worst Enemy | Paranoia |
Passive Aggressive | Perfectionism |
Pettiness | Phobias |
Picky Eater | Points Out the Obvious |
Poor Hygiene | Poser |
Power Hungry | Preachy |
Predictable | Prejudice |
Prone to Well-Intentioned Failures | Prudishness |
Pushover | Pushy |
Rebellious | Reckless |
Repeats Same Mistakes | Rude |
Sarcastic | Schadenfreude |
Self-Doubt | Self-Pity |
Selfishness | Senile |
Sense of Entitlement | Sensitive About a Weakness |
Shallow | Shy |
Smothers People | Snobbery |
Social Anxiety | Social Climber |
Socially Awkward | Sociopath |
Solemn | Sore Loser |
Spiteful | Spoiled |
Spreads Rumors | Stubborn |
Stuck in the Past | Superstitious |
Tactlessness | Talks To Self |
Temperamental | Theatrical |
Thinks Out Loud | Timid |
Too Nice | Tragic Flaw |
Unfaithful | Unlucky |
Unrealistic | Unreasonable |
Unskilled at Something e.g. driving | Unstable |
Unstable Relationships | Use of Profanity |
Vain | Vice |
Workaholic |