Accountant | Actor |
Actuary | Administrator |
Advertising Manager | Aerospace Engineer |
Agent | Agricultural Engineer |
Air Traffic Controller | Anthropologist |
Archeologist | Architect |
Art Director | Astronomer |
Athlete | Auditor |
Baker | Banking Analyst |
Barista | Bartender |
Bioinformatics Scientist | Biologist |
Biomedical Engineer | Blacksmiths |
Board Member | Broker |
Business Analyst | Buyer |
Captain (naval) | Carpenter |
Cashier | Chef |
Chemical Engineer | Chemist |
Chief Executive | Childcare Worker |
Choreographer | Civil Engineer |
Cleaner | Clergy |
Compliance Manager | Computer Scientist |
Concierge | Conservation Worker |
Construction Manager | Construction Worker |
Consultant | Cook |
Copywriter | Cosmetologist |
Courier | Craftsperson |
Curator | Customer Experience Design |
Customer Service | Data Analyst |
Data Architect | Data Scientist |
Database Administrator | Dental Assistant |
Dentist | Development Manager |
Director | Ecommerce Seller |
Economist | Electrical Engineer |
Electrician | Emergency Medical Technician |
Energy Engineer | Engineer |
Entrepreneur | Environmental Engineer |
Environmental Science | Epidemiologist |
Equipment Operator | Event Planner |
Executive Management | Farmer |
Fashion Designer | Financial Analyst |
Financial Controller | Financial Manager |
Firefighter | Fishery Worker |
Fitness Trainer | Flight Attendant |
Floral Designer | Forestry Worker |
Funeral Attendant | Game Designer |
Gardener | General Manager |
Geographer | Government Worker |
Hair Stylist | Health Educator |
Homemaker | Hotel Manager |
Human Resources | Import/Export Specialist |
Industrial Design | Information Design |
Information Scientist | Information Technology Manager |
Installation & Maintenance | Interpreter |
Journalist | Laboratory Technician |
Laborer | Landscape Architect |
Landscaping | Lawyer |
Legal Secretary | Librarian |
Lifeguard | Logistics Engineer |
Management Consultant | Manicurists |
Manufacturing Engineer | Manufacturing Worker |
Marketing Analyst | Marketing Manager |
Mathematician | Mechanical Engineer |
Medical Administration | Medical Assistant |
Medical Technician | Medical Technologist |
Mental Health Counselor | Midwife |
Miner | Musician |
Nanny | Network Administrator |
Nurse | Occupational Health & Safety |
Occupational Therapist | Office Clerk |
Operations Analyst | Operations Manager |
Optometrist | Performance Artist |
Personal Care Aid | Pharmacist |
Photographer | Physician |
Physicist | Pilot |
Plumber | Police Officer |
Politician | Producer |
Product Design | Production Manager |
Professor | Program Manager |
Project Manager | Promotion Manager |
Property Manager | Public Relations |
Purchasing Manager | Quality Assurance Manager |
Quality Control Analyst | Railroad Engineer |
Reporter | Researcher |
Restaurant Manager | Rigger |
Robotics Engineer | Sales Engineer |
Sales Manager | Salesperson |
Scientist | Service Attendant |
Service Manager | Shop Salesperson |
Small Business Owner | Social Worker |
Sociologist | Software Architect |
Software Developer | Solar Energy Technician |
Space Scientist | Statistician |
Steel Worker | Stonemason |
Supervisor | Surgeon |
Surveyor | System Administrator |
Systems Analyst | Tailor |
Teacher | Technical Support |
Technical Writer | Technician |
Technology Architect | Testing Engineer |
Tour Guide | Translator |
Transportation Engineer | Truck Driver |
Tutor | Urban Design |
Veterinarian | Visual Designer |
Waiter | Web Developer |
Wind Energy Engineer | Writer |
Zoologist |
Corporate & Business Professions
Large businesses often have a significant number of specialized management and technical roles. The following are common examples of professional roles in a business.
Science & Engineering
Professions related to science and engineering. Both of these domains are vast and diverse such that this list only scratches the surface.
Information Technology
Information technology includes a wide range of management, architecture, development, support, testing and specialist professions.
Service Industry
Advanced economies are undergoing a fundamental shift whereby services are the dominant form of economic production. The service industry is also fertile ground for small business and family businesses such as restaurants.
Creative Professions
Professions that require creative talent whereby there is a large difference in the value of work products. For example, one music producer may produce billions in sales with their works while another may struggle to produce any sales whatsoever. As such, these professions are remarkably competitive and challenging.
Professional Services
Services that generate value from the knowledge work of a professional.
Construction & Trades
Professions related to building, installing, maintaining, repairing and renovating things.
Government & Institutional
Professions that are primarily employed by governments or large institutions such as universities or hospitals.
Overview: Professions | ||
Type | ||
Definition | A set of abilities, knowledge, experiences and values that allow an individual to perform a productive role in society. | |
Related Concepts |