Accepting | Accountable |
Adaptable | Artistic |
Authentic | Balanced |
Brave | Calm under pressure |
Charismatic | Cheerful |
Civilized | Compassionate |
Considerate | Consistent |
Coolness | Cultured |
Curious | Decent |
Determined | Diplomatic |
Disciplined | Discrete |
Down to earth | Elegant |
Enthusiastic | Fair |
Fidelity | Flexible |
Forgiving | Generous |
Good storyteller | Graceful |
Grateful | Grounded |
Honest | Humble |
Imaginative | Inspired personal presence |
Interesting experiences | Intuitive |
Inventive | Kind |
Likable | Mature |
Optimistic | Original |
Patient | People person |
Perceptive | Persevering |
Polished | Polite |
Professional | Quick thinking |
Reasonable | Refined |
Relaxed personal presence | Reliable |
Remarkable talents | Resilient |
Resourceful | Respectable |
Respectful | Responsible |
Restrained | Secure |
Self-control | Self-discipline |
Sense of humor | Sincerity |
Spirited | Stable |
Steady | Strong |
Strong work ethic | Stylish |
Tactful | Takes initiative |
Talent | Tenacious |
Thoughtful | Tolerant |
Trusting | Trustworthy |
Unselfish contributions to others | Unselfish service to others |
Worthy accomplishments |