Adaptable | Agile |
Analysis | Articulate |
Artistic | Authentic |
Bias for Action | Big Picture Thinker |
Brave | Building Rapport |
Business Acumen | Calm |
Candid | Capable |
Challenging Assumptions | Cheerful |
Closing Sales | Coding |
Communication | Competitive |
Confident | Constructive |
Cooperative | Courteous |
Creative | Critical Thinking |
Customer Service | Debate |
Decision Making | Dependable |
Design | Design Thinking |
Detail Oriented | Diligence |
Direct | Discipline |
Emotional Intelligence | Energetic |
Experienced | Fit |
Flexibility | Friendly |
Generous | Goal Oriented |
Grit & Determination | Grounded |
Handling Criticism | Healthy |
Honest | Humble |
Independence | Industry Connections |
Influencing | Inspired |
Intelligent | Interpersonal Skills |
Inventive | Kind |
Knowledgeable | Languages |
Leadership | Listening |
Lively | Logical |
Loyal | Management |
Managing Risk | Mathematical |
Motivated | Negotiation |
Networking | Observant |
Optimistic | Organized |
Original | Outgoing |
Passionate | People Person |
Persistent | Personal Presence |
Personal Resilience | Planning |
Playful | Positive |
Practical | Pragmatic |
Principled | Problem Solving |
Productive | Public Speaking |
Rational | Realistic |
Reasonable | Relationship Building |
Reliable | Research |
Resourceful | Selective Attention |
Self Direction | Self Starter |
Sense of Direction | Sense of Purpose |
Stable | Storytelling |
Strategic Thinking | Sustained Attention |
Systems Thinking | Taking Calculated Risks |
Technical Skills | Time Management |
Tireless | Tolerance for Disagreement |
Trustworthy | Unassuming |
Unbiased | Vigilant |
Visual Thinking | Vocal |
Warm | Win-win Thinking |