Mahogany is a reddish-brown color based on the tropical hardwood of the same name. As a wood, mahogany is valued for its beauty, resilience and color. It is naturally water resistant and is commonly used to produce high-end furniture, boats, musical instruments, paneling and cabinets. Due to its high value, mahogany is strongly linked to deforestation in critical ecosystems such as the Amazon rain forest and should only be purchased if it is properly certified as sustainable. As a color, mahogany feels rich, deep and warm. It is commonly used as a hair color and in product design such as the interiors of vehicles. The following are common types of mahogany color.
Dark Mahogany
Old Mahogany
American Mahogany
Mahogany Pastel
Rich Mahogany
Cherry Mahogany
Warm Mahogany
Burnished Mahogany
Mahogany Cherry
Dark Mahogany #2
Mahogany #2
Young Mahogany
African Mahogany