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Cinematography is the process of telling a story with a camera. This includes creative elements of visual storytelling such as framing and composition of shots. Cinematography also entails technical details of operating a camera to get these shots including lens, camera movement, angles, colors and lighting. The following are common examples of cinematography.Blocking | Camera Movement | Camera Operation | Color Grading | Color Palette | Continuity Management | Contrast Management | Depth of Field | Exposure Control | Focusing | Framing Shots | Lens Selection | Lighting | Motion Capture | Shot Composition | Special Effects | Storyboarding | Visual Atmosphere | Visual Storytelling |
Blocking is the position of actors in a scene. This is worked out by the director and cinematographer working with other creative contributors such as set designers.Continuity management is the process of ensuring consistency and coherence from shot to shot.
OverviewCinematography is the process of composing camera shots and operating cameras as part of the production of a film or television show.Next: Production Design
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