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A media event is an event that is mostly intended to generate publicity such as news coverage and social media posts. These include political, industry, company, social, environmental and labor events designed to create awareness, influence opinions or produce results such as revenue or votes. In some cases, media events have other purposes besides publicity such as fundraising. The following are common examples of media events.
Announcements | Award shows | Book signings | Campaign rallies | Campaign tours | Career fairs | Charity galas | Charity sports events | Competitions | Concerts | Conferences | Crisis management briefings & visits | Endorsement events | Exhibitions | Fan conventions | Fashion shows | Film festivals | Fundraising auctions | Interviews | Meet and greets | Movie premieres | Opening nights of events such as art exhibitions | Photo opportunities | Political debates | Political demonstrations | Press conferences | Press junkets | Product announcements & launches | Protests | Public speaking such as a commencement address | Publicity stunts | Release parties | Store & restaurant opening events | Strikes | Symposiums | Town hall meetings | Trade shows |
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