All (360)
Social (56)
Communication (45)
Decision Making (33)
Problem Solving (51)
Creative (44)
Technical (81)
Professional (106)
Academic (47)
Achievements (38)
Accomplished | Achieved |
Acted | Administered |
Advanced | Advised |
Advocated | Agreed |
Aligned | Altered |
Amassed | Amplified |
Analyzed | Announced |
Answered | Apologized |
Appealed | Architected |
Arranged | Arrived at |
Asked | Assembled |
Assessed | Assisted |
Attained | Attended |
Authorized | Balanced |
Built | Calculated |
Campaigned | Captured |
Cared | Carved |
Cataloged | Challenged |
Championed | Changed |
Checked | Chose |
Clarified | Coded |
Collaborated | Comforted |
Commented | Committed |
Communicated | Compared |
Compiled | Completed |
Complied | Composed |
Conceptualized | Concluded |
Conducted | Configured |
Confirmed | Connected |
Connected With | Considered |
Consoled | Consolidated |
Constructed | Consulted |
Contemplated | Contracted |
Contributed | Controlled |
Converted | Convinced |
Coordinated | Corrected |
Counseled | Crafted |
Created | Critiqued |
Curated | Customized |
Debated | Debugged |
Decided | Deconstructed |
Decreased | Defended |
Defined | Delegated |
Delivered | Deployed |
Described | Designed |
Determined | Developed |
Devised | Diagnosed |
Directed | Discovered |
Discussed | Distributed |
Documented | Donated |
Drafted | Drew |
Drove | Earned |
Edited | Eliminated |
Embraced | Emerged |
Employed | Empowered |
Encoded | Encouraged |
Enforced | Engaged |
Engineered | Enhanced |
Ensured | Envisioned |
Established | Estimated |
Evaluated | Examined |
Exceeded | Exchanged |
Executed | Expanded |
Expected | Expedited |
Explored | Expressed |
Extracted | Fabricated |
Facilitated | Figured |
Finalized | Fixed |
Forecast | Formatted |
Formed | Formulated |
Fostered | Fought |
Founded | Framed |
Fulfilled | Gained |
Gathered | Gauged |
Generated | Grew |
Guided | Helped |
Highlighted | Hypothesized |
Identified | Illustrated |
Imagined | Implemented |
Improved | Improvised |
Incorporated | Increased |
Influenced | Informed |
Initiated | Innovated |
Inquired | Inspired |
Installed | Instigated |
Instructed | Integrated |
Interpreted | Intervened |
Introduced | Invented |
Investigated | Invited |
Involved | Isolated |
Joined | Laid Out |
Launched | Layered |
Learned | Lectured |
Led | Lined Up |
Listened | Looked at |
Maintained | Managed |
Mapped | Mastered |
Measured | Mediated |
Mentored | Mobilized |
Modeled | Modified |
Monitored | Narrated |
Navigated | Negotiated |
Noted | Noticed |
Observed | Obtained |
Offered | Operated |
Optimized | Organized |
Outlined | Outperformed |
Overcame | Overhauled |
Oversaw | Painted |
Participated | Partitioned |
Partnered | Perceived |
Performed | Persuaded |
Planned | Played |
Pointed Out | Positioned |
Predicted | Prepared |
Presented | Prioritized |
Processed | Produced |
Programmed | Progressed |
Projected | Promoted |
Proposed | Protected |
Protested | Provided |
Qualified | Quantified |
Questioned | Raised |
Raised Awareness | Ranked |
Reached | Realigned |
Rearchitected | Rearranged |
Reassured | Recognized |
Recommenced | Recommended |
Reconstructed | Recorded |
Recruited | Redesigned |
Reengineered | Reevaluated |
Refined | Reflected |
Reformed | Reimagined |
Reinterpreted | Reinvented |
Remodeled | Removed |
Repaired | Replaced |
Replied | Reported |
Requested | Researched |
Reshaped | Resolved |
Responded | Restored |
Restructured | Revealed |
Reviewed | Revised |
Revisited | Rewrote |
Scheduled | Searched |
Secured | Selected |
Set Up | Settled |
Shaped | Shared |
Shipped | Signaled |
Simplified | Simulated |
Sketched | Sold |
Solved | Sorted |
Sought | Sourced |
Sparked | Spearheaded |
Specified | Stabilized |
Standardized | Stitched |
Stood By | Stood Up |
Strategized | Streamlined |
Strengthened | Structured |
Studied | Styled |
Submitted | Succeeded |
Suggested | Supervised |
Supported | Sustained |
Synthesized | Talked |
Taught | Tested |
Topped | Traced |
Tracked | Trained |
Transcended | Transformed |
Transmitted | Triaged |
Tried | Tuned |
Turned | United |
Unveiled | Updated |
Upgraded | Utilized |
Validated | Ventured |
Verified | Visualized |
Vocalized | Voiced |
Volunteered | Warned |
Was Awarded | Weighed |
Welcomed | Won |
Wondered | Worked |
Worked Through | Wrote |
What is an Action Word
Action words are better known as verbs. However, the term action word is also generally understood to indicate a verb that is presented in active voice where the subject of the sentence performs the action directly. For example, "I developed code" is active voice and remains active voice if you drop the subject to say "developed code."Definition of Action WordAn active voice verb that indicates the action of an individual, team or organization.
Active voice can be contrasted with passive voice such as "code was developed" that makes in unclear who or what actually performed the action. Passive voice is considered a poor choice for communication because it is generally unclear and uninspiring.Action words are used to explain what you have done in contexts such as resumes, job interviews or other types of application processes. This is a good practice because it shows that you are an active force in things and not a mere passive participant.Next read: Power Words