All (343)
Emotional (34)
Charismatic (40)
Social Proof (47)
FOMO (36)
Coolness (23)
Logical (33)
Creative (18)
Beauty (32)
Trust (35)
Safety (50)
Experience (33)
Accepted | Acclaimed |
Accomplished | Accountable |
Accredited | Accurate |
Adaptable | Admired |
Adventure | Alive |
Alluring | Ambition |
Amiable | Analysis |
Appreciated | Artistic |
Attractive | Authentic |
Authoritative | Awe-inspiring |
Beautiful | Belief |
Belonging | Best Practice |
Bliss | Bold |
Brand-new | Brave |
Bright | Brilliance |
Calm | Candid |
Capable | Captivating |
Celebrated | Celebrity |
Centered | Certified |
Charismatic | Charming |
Cheerful | Chill |
Clarity | Classy |
Clear | Cohesive |
Comfortable | Compassionate |
Compelling | Compete |
Compliant | Composed |
Confident | Confirmed |
Connected | Connection |
Conscientious | Consensus |
Consistent | Constant |
Content | Contentment |
Conventional | Conviction |
Creative | Credible |
Current | Cutting-edge |
Daring | Data-driven |
Decent | Decisive |
Definitive | Delicate |
Dependable | Determined |
Devoted | Devotion |
Diligent | Direct |
Disciplined | Discovery |
Distinguished | Documented |
Dreams | Earnest |
Easygoing | Effective |
Elegant | Elevate |
Enchanting | Endorsed |
Energetic | Engaged |
Entertaining | Enthusiastic |
Epic | Escape |
Essential | Established |
Esteemed | Ethical |
Evidence-based | Evocative |
Excellent | Excited |
Exciting | Exclusive |
Exhilarated | Experience |
Experimental | Expressive |
Exquisite | Exuberant |
Fact-based | Factual |
Fair | Faith |
Famed | Famous |
Fascinating | Fashionable |
Fearless | Flawless |
Flexible | Focused |
Forgiving | Forthright |
Freedom | Fresh |
Friendly | Fulfilled |
Fulfillment | Fun |
Game-changing | Generous |
Gentle | Genuine |
Glamorous | Global |
Good | Graceful |
Grateful | Grounded |
Growth | Happy |
Hardworking | Harmonious |
Healing | Healthy |
Heartfelt | Helpful |
High-profile | Honest |
Honorable | Honored |
Hopeful | Humble |
Humorous | Iconic |
Illustrious | Imaginative |
Immersive | Impressive |
Independence | Indispensable |
Influential | Innovative |
Inspirational | Intelligent |
Intentional | Intuitive |
Inventive | Invigorated |
Joyful | Kind |
Kindness | Latest |
Legendary | Legit |
Light | Limited |
Limitless | Lively |
Logical | Lovely |
Loving | Loyal |
Luxurious | Magnetic |
Majestic | Major |
Mastery | Measurable |
Melodic | Motivated |
Moving | Must-have |
Natural | Necessary |
New | Next-level |
No-nonsense | Noble |
Noteworthy | Nurturing |
Objective | Once-in-a-lifetime |
Open | Open-minded |
Opportunity | Optimistic |
Original | Outcompete |
Outgoing | Outstanding |
Peer-reviewed | Permanent |
Personable | Persuasive |
Pioneering | Playful |
Pleasant | Poignant |
Poised | Polished |
Polite | Popular |
Posh | Position |
Positivity | Power |
Powerful | Precise |
Premium | Prestigious |
Principled | Privileged |
Productive | Prominent |
Proven | Pure |
Purpose | Quantifiable |
Rare | Rational |
Real | Rebirth |
Receptive | Recognized |
Refined | Regular |
Reliability | Reliable |
Renowned | Reputable |
Research-backed | Resilient |
Resourceful | Respectable |
Respected | Responsible |
Reverence | Revolutionary |
Reward | Safe |
Satisfication | Scientific |
Security | Self-assured |
Selfless | Sensitive |
Serene | Settled |
Sincere | Skillful |
Sleek | Smart |
Smooth | Sociable |
Solid | Sophisticated |
Soulful | Sound |
Stable | Standard |
Stately | Steadfast |
Straightforward | Strong |
Sturdy | Stylish |
Success | Successful |
Support | Supportive |
Sweet | Sympathetic |
Tasteful | Tested |
Textured | Thankful |
Thoughtful | Thriving |
Timeless | Tranquil |
Transparent | Trendy |
True | Trusting |
Trustworthy | Unaffected |
Unafraid | Unbelievable |
Unconventional | Unforgettable |
Unique | Unity |
Unstoppable | Uplifting |
Upright | Upscale |
Valuable | Verified |
Vibrant | Victorious |
Visionary | Warm |
Wealth | Welcoming |
Well-accepted | Well-established |
Well-founded | Well-known |
Well-recognized | Well-regarded |
Whole | Win |
Witty | Wonder |
Wonderful | Wonderment |
Youthful |
What are Power Words
Power words are words and phrases with the potential to trigger emotions. Emotions are viewed as the basic drivers of human thought and behavior such that power words can be used to influence the actions and opinions of others.Definition of Power WordsWords with the potential to invoke the motivations and emotions of an audience.
It can be argued that humans are fundamentally emotional whereby even communication that appears to be logical, rational, analytical and scientific may appeal to strong emotional desires such as a need for order, certainty and stability.Human motivation is modeled with several major theories that typically include elements of physiological needs, safety, social connectedness, growth and self-fulfillment. For example, the well-known ERG theory introduced by Clayton Alderfer that proposes that humans are motivated by existence, relatedness and growth whereby we want to survive, to be a part of life and to grow, experience and improve.Whatever your views of human motivation, influencing people requires tapping into these emotions with words that trigger their passions for life. Next read: Emotional Words