All (222)
Communication (60)
Social Skills (33)
Mindset (26)
Character Traits (60)
Work Skills (26)
Creative Skills (18)
Accountability | Achieving Buy-in |
Adaptability | Adapting Communication Style |
Addressing Counterarguments | Agent of Change |
Ambitious | Analytical |
Articulation | Assertiveness |
Attention to Detail | Avoiding Assumptions |
Body Language | Brand Building |
Building Agreements | Building Consensus |
Building Customer Relationships | Building Rapport |
Business Acumen | Calm Under Pressure |
Candid | Capable |
Challenging Assumptions | Change Management |
Charismatic | Coaching |
Collaborative Mindset | Commercial Art |
Commercial Awareness | Communication Clarity |
Compassion | Competent |
Concept Development | Concise Writing |
Confident | Conflict Resolution |
Conscientious | Consensus Building |
Consistency | Constructive |
Constructive Feedback | Cooperation |
Copywriting | Corporate Communications |
Courageous | Crafting Messages |
Crafting Narratives | Craftsmanship |
Creative Intuition | Creative Risk-Taking |
Creative Thinking | Creative Vision |
Critical Thinking | Cross-functional Collaboration |
Curious | Customer Advocacy |
Customer Service Orientation | Data Interpretation |
Decision Making | Decisive |
Demonstrating Courtesy | Dependable |
Design Sense | Design Thinking |
Diligence | Diplomacy |
Direct | Discerning |
Disciplined | Divergent Thinking |
Editing & Proofreading | Email Etiquette |
Empathy | Empathy Toward Customer Concerns |
Encouraging Feedback | Energetic |
Engaging An Audience | Enthusiastic |
Entrepreneurial Mindset | Establishing Common Ground |
Establishing Credibility | Ethical Judgment |
Executive Communication | Explaining Complex Concepts |
Eye Contact | Facilitation |
Fine Art Talents | Flexible |
Focused | Following Up With Customers |
Framing Arguments | Friendly |
Gestures | Giving Presentations |
Goal-oriented | Grammar & Punctuation |
Growth Mindset | Handling Complaints |
Handling Criticism | Handling Objections |
Handling Questions | Handling Sensitive Topics |
Hardworking | Helpful |
Humility | Identifying Win-Win Solutions |
Illustration | Imaginative |
Improvisation | Independent |
Influential | Insightful |
Inspiring Action | Integrity |
Intuitive | Issue Clearing |
Iterative Thinking | Knowledgeable |
Language Proficiency | Leading By Example |
Leading Teams | Learning Agility |
Learning From Failure | Lifelong Learning |
Listening | Logical |
Maintaining Confidentiality | Managing Commitments |
Managing Stress | Marketing Communications |
Media Skills | Meeting Deadlines |
Meeting Management | Meeting Minutes |
Mentorship | Motivated |
Multitasking | Navigating Ambiguity |
Navigating Language Barriers | Negotiation |
Networking | Non-Verbal Communication |
Objective | Open |
Organizational Awareness | Organizing |
Outgoing | Ownership Mindset |
Passionate | Patient |
Perceptive | Personal Presence |
Personal Resilience | Personalizing Service |
Persuasion | Phone Skills |
Pitching Creative Ideas | Planning |
Polished | Polite |
Positive Attitude | Posture |
Practical | Prioritizing |
Proactive | Problem-solving |
Professional | Providing Guidance and Direction |
Public Speaking | Punctual |
Receptive | Recognizing Emotional Cues |
Reflective | Relationship Management |
Reliable | Report Writing |
Resilient | Resourceful |
Respectful Communication | Respecting Different Viewpoints |
Respecting Others People's Time | Sales Communications |
Scheduling | Second Languages |
Seeking Clarification | Self-awareness |
Service Mindset | Sharing Knowledge |
Sharing Responsibilities | Simplifying Complex Information |
Sincere | Small Talk |
Sociable | Stage Presence |
Stakeholder Management | Storytelling Techniques |
Strong Work-Ethic | Summarizing Key Points |
Supporting Colleagues | Tactful |
Tailoring Messages | Taking Initiative |
Taking Responsiblity | Team Collaboration |
Team-oriented | Technical Writing |
Time Management | Timely Communication |
Tone | Trend Awareness |
Troubleshooting | Understanding Audience Needs |
Understanding Cultural Nuances | Using Emotion |
Using Humor | Using Visual Aids |
Versatile | Visual Communication |
Visual Thinking | Willingness to Learn |
Writing Proposals | Writing Specifications |