All (130)
Communication (27)
Building Rapport (20)
Relationships (44)
Collaboration (22)
Character Strengths (22)
Acknowledging Differences | Active Silence |
Adaptability | Adjusting to Feedback |
Apologizing When Necessary | Approachability |
Articulation | Asking Good Questions |
Being Authentic | Being Loyal |
Being Supportive | Being Trustworthy |
Being Understanding | Being Yourself |
Being a Good Host | Body Language |
Building Shared Experiences | Building on the Ideas of Others |
Calmness & Composure | Charisma |
Clearing Up Misunderstandings | Collaborative Decision Making |
Collaborative Problem Solving | Collaborative Work |
Communicating Needs | Compromise |
Concise Communication | Confidence |
Conflict Prevention | Conflict Resolution |
Connecting With Others | Consensus Building |
Consistency | Constructive Feedback |
Courtesy | Creating Anticipation |
Cross-generational Communication | Dealing With Criticism |
Demonstrating Respect | Diplomacy |
Emotional Regulation | Empathizing |
Encouraging Conversation | Engaging Others |
Enthusiasm | Establishing Common Ground |
Establishing Shared Goals | Establishing Shared Traditions |
Expressing Emotion | Expressing Gratitude |
Eye Contact | Fairness |
Finding Common Interests | Finding Reasons to Celebrate |
Flexible | Forgiving |
Formal Communication | Friendly |
Generous | Gracious |
Group Communication | Handling Criticism Constructively |
Honesty | Humility |
Including Others | Influencing Others |
Informal Communication | Inspiring Others |
Introductions | Keeping In Touch |
Leading Teams | Listening |
Making Connections | Making Conversation |
Managing Interruptions | Motivating Others |
Negotiating Compromises | Non-verbal Communication |
Nonjudgmental Attitude | Nuanced Communication |
Nudges | Nurturing Relationships |
Outgoing | Owning Mistakes |
Pace of Communication | Patience |
Perceiving Emotions | Personal Presence |
Persuasion | Polite Communication |
Positive Attitude | Prioritizing Quality Time |
Prioritizing Relationships | Reading Emotion |
Reading Social Situations | Reflective Listening |
Relationship Growth | Reliable |
Resisting Peer Pressure | Respectful Communication |
Respectful Disagreement | Respecting Limits |
Respecting Other People's Time | Self Disclosure |
Self-Awareness | Sense of Gratitude |
Sense of Humor | Sense of Timing In Communication |
Sharing Credit | Sincerity |
Small Talk | Sociability |
Social Perceptiveness | Standing Out In a Group |
Staying on Topic | Storytelling Techniques |
Subtle Communication | Supporting Others |
Taking Initiative In Relationships | Taking Responsibility |
Team Spirit | Thoughtfulness |
Timely Communication | Tone Awareness |
Trust Building | Trustworthy |
Using Emotion | Using Names |
Win-win Thinking | Working Well With Others |
What are People Skills?
People skills are the positive side of social skills whereby you are able to engage with people to establish rapport, collaborate and build relationships. Entities such as nations, institutions, economies, organizations, teams, families and groups are all social things such that the importance of people skills can't be overstated.Definition of People SkillsAbilities and talents that allow an individual to navigate social situations and relationships to produce positive outcomes.
People skills include the ability to communicate and influence others. They also include relationship skills that allow you to connect to others and to deepen these connections over time. In addition to skills, there are a large number of character strengths such as patience or calmness that are conductive to social success.