Building Relationships | Business Travel |
Career Achievements | Career Opportunities |
Clear Work-life Boundaries | Commuting |
Company Events | Deadlines |
Delivering Presentations | Gainful Employment |
Goal Setting | Independence |
Industry Visibility | Job Satisfaction |
Job Security | Leadership Opportunities |
Learning From Failure | Meetings |
Networking Opportunities | Office Politics |
Overtime | Performance Reviews |
Professional Connections | Professional Growth |
Professional Networking | Professional Reputation |
Project Work | Public Speaking |
Recognition & Awards | Remote Work |
Repetitive Work | Retirement |
Role Flexibility | Salary & Benefits |
Serving Customers | Social Opportunities at Work |
Stress Levels | Taking Initiative |
Task Diversity | Vacation Time |
Work Environment | Work Ethics |
Work Friends | Work Impact |
Work Locations | Work Schedules |
Work-Life Balance | Working Conditions |
Workplace Cleanliness | Workplace Conflicts |
Workplace Culture | Workplace Health & Safety |
Workplace Professionalism | Workplace Visibility |
Workplace Voice |
Work Environment
The physical environments where you work. This includes factors that make your workplace livable, safe and healthy.![work environment](https://simplicable.com/images/1024p/work_environment_17385_1dt5mCS.jpg)
Workplace Culture
Intangible elements of your work environment such as norms, attitudes and level of professionalism.![workplace culture](https://simplicable.com/images/1024p/workplace_culture_17385_1oFHXdt.jpg)
Working Conditions
The realities of employment such as workload and the terms of your employment contract.![working conditions](https://simplicable.com/images/1024p/working_conditions_17385_1CBUbqH.jpg)
Job Satisfaction
How satisfied you are with your job. This relates both to how your are treated such as the working conditions above and the pride, professionalism and effort that you put into your work.![job satisfaction](https://simplicable.com/images/1024p/job_satisfaction_17385_1iUbqI0.jpg)
Career Opportunities
The opportunities that you have in your working life such as earning potential, learning opportunities and chances to build relationships and extend your visibility in your profession and industry.![career opportunities](https://simplicable.com/images/1024p/career_opportunities_17385_1DUeuKJ.jpg)
Work Happiness
Getting to the point where you find work deeply meaningful or fun such that it gives you a sense of being a productive and fulfilled person. This is not an uncommon state as many people feel that working life is amongst the most rewarding parts of the human experience. Work need not be complex or high level to be fulfilling as simple or humble work can also be rewarding.![work happiness](https://simplicable.com/images/1024p/work_happiness_17385_1UeN2jD.jpg)