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Positive emotions are mental states that feel good or that produce productive behaviors in individuals. Emotions color all thoughts such that they are essentially modes of thinking. As such, positive emotions tend to generate positive thoughts such as optimism and brave behaviors such as being outgoing socially. This being said, positive emotions can go to far. For example, pride can become arrogance or confidence can become delusional. The following are illustrative examples of positive emotions.
Absorbed | Admiring | Adoring | Affable | Affectionate | Amicable | Amorous | Amused | Animated | Attentive | Blissful | Buoyant | Calm | Captivated | Carefree | Caring | Cheerful | Chill | Compassionate | Composed | Confident | Contemplative | Contented | Cool | Courageous | Creative | Curious | Determined | Dignified | Dreamy | Eager | Ecstatic | Elegant | Empathetic | Enchanted | Engaged | Entertained | Enthralled | Enthusiastic | Euphoric | Excited | Fascinated | Fearless | Free | Friendly | Generous | Giving | Gleeful | Gracious | Grateful | Gratified | Happy | Honored | Hopeful | Humble | Humorous | Imaginative | Innocent | Inspired | Intense | Intrigued | Introspective | Inventive | Joyous | Jubilant | Keen | Laid-back | Lighthearted | Lively | Lovestruck | Loving | Meditative | Merry | Nostalgic | Optimism | Passionate | Peaceful | Pensive | Philosophical | Playful | Pleased | Proud | Reflective | Refreshed | Relaxed | Relieved | Romantic | Satisfied | Sense of Wonder | Sentimental | Serene | Sociable | Softhearted | Spirited | Strong | Sympathetic | Tender | Touched | Tranquil | Triumphant | Trusting | Understanding | Unruffled | Untroubled | Upbeat | Warm | Whimsical |
Some emotions create positive feelings but have a dark side such that they are considered negative. For example, schadenfreude is joy inspired by the troubles of others.Many emotions that create negative feelings can create positive behaviors. For example, a sense of shame at something that you have done wrong that inspires acts of redemption such as apologies.Emotions can be both happy and sad. For example, melancholy is a gentle sadness that is almost enjoyable. Likewise, feelings such as nostalgia and love can feel painful despite being positive emotions.
This is the complete list of articles we have written about emotion.
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