A culture of accountability. | A culture of respect. |
A firm that doesn’t micromanage your working style as long as you show results. | A hands-on culture where it is not acceptable to be avoiding action items all the time. |
A lack of cronyism. | A lack of negative stress at work. |
A performance culture with high expectations. | A sense of team comradery. |
A sense that work progresses and builds towards something. | An employer that is authentic such that their mission is true. |
An employer that is fair and supportive of employees. | An environment of professionalism. |
Being asked for your ideas and input. | Being given immediate candid feedback when performance is low or high. |
Being part of successful firms, teams, projects and initiatives that achieve goals. | Benefits and perks. |
Competitive environments with competitive employees. | Competitive or unusually good salaries with the sense that this is based on performance as opposed to an entitlement. |
Curiosity and interest in your profession, role and industry. | Employees that feel appreciated. |
Employees with a strong sense of personal responsibility and diligence. | Employees with high self-discipline. |
Firms that invest in you e.g. helping you in difficulty or providing you with support. | Flexible work arrangements. |
Freedom and autonomy in work. | Goals that are clear with rewards attached to high performance. |
Having your strengths noticed. | High performance standards and immediate management of low performance. |
Opportunities to advance in a profession, firm and industry. | Opportunity based on talent, results and potential. |
Pay and incentives that are heavily based on performance and results. | Productive work habits that defeat negative cycles such as procrastination. |
Reasonable working conditions. | Recognition that is earned as opposed to random. |
Respect and credibility that are earned with dedication and professionalism. | Rewards, recognition, promotions and pay that are perceived as fair and performance-based. |
Social acceptance and inclusion at work. | Taking pride in one’s work. |
The sense that work is not getting in the way of life but rather an important part of it. | Work that is creative. |
Work that is fulfilling. | Work that is fun or adventurous e.g. business travel. |
Work that is important in that it does something that needs to be done. | Work that is social. |