Active | Affable |
Aggressive | Agreeable |
Aloof | Ambitious |
Amenable | Antagonistic |
Anxious | Apathetic |
Approachable | Argumentative |
Assertive | Attentive |
Authoritative | Belligerent |
Biased | Bitter |
Callous | Calm |
Candid | Careless |
Caring | Cautious |
Cheerful | Close-minded |
Combative | Commanding |
Committed | Complacent |
Composed | Confident |
Conscientious | Constructive |
Cooperative | Courteous |
Creative | Critical |
Cynical | Decisive |
Defensive | Detail-oriented |
Direct | Disciplined |
Disgruntled | Dishonest |
Disinterested | Dismissive |
Disorganized | Disrespectful |
Distracted | Distrustful |
Eager | Easygoing |
Emotional | Empathetic |
Energetic | Engaged |
Enterprising | Enthusiastic |
Flexible | Forgetful |
Fragile | Friendly |
Hard-working | Helpful |
Honest | Hospitable |
Hostile | Humble |
Imaginative | Impatient |
Independent | Industrious |
Inflexible | Inspired |
Intolerant | Irritable |
Logical | Methodical |
Motivated | Negative |
Neutral | No-nonsense |
Objective | Open-minded |
Optimistic | Organized |
Outgoing | Overconfident |
Passionate | Passive |
Patient | Pessimistic |
Pleasant | Polite |
Political | Positive |
Practical | Pragmatic |
Productive | Professional |
Rational | Realistic |
Reasonable | Resentful |
Reserved | Resilient |
Responsible | Responsive |
Self-Directed | Self-motivated |
Sensitive | Serious |
Short-tempered | Shy |
Sincere | Skeptical |
Sociable | Structured |
Stubborn | Supportive |
Systematic | Thoughtful |
Tireless | Tolerant |
Touchy | Trusting |
Unapproachable | Unassuming |
Uncommunicative | Unenthusiastic |
Unfeeling | Unfriendly |
Uninspired | Unmotivated |
Unprofessional | Unstable |
Warm | Withdrawn |
What is a Work Attitude?
Work attitude is the general approach and feeling that an employee puts into their work. This is an indication of an employee's job satisfaction. Work attitude is also an indicator of employee performance and is a foundation for productivity, work outcomes and workplace culture.Assessment of Work Attitude
Work attitude is commonly assessed by managers on performance reviews with a process of observation. Work attitude can also be assessed using interviews, surveys and questionnaires. However, employees will not necessarily be open and candid in a survey. Assessments of work attitude focus on these key areas:Engagement | The degree to which an employee is interested and immersed in their work. This includes elements such as ambition, due diligence, effort and visibility whereby an employee is covering every possible aspect of their work with energy and enthusiasm. |
Organizational Commitment | The level of attachment and loyalty an employee has to a job and company. This includes how much an employee needs the job and feels obligated or tied into it. In some cases, an employee views a role as part of their identity and deeply fears losing their job. Employees can also have a sense of loyalty, duty and reciprocity whereby they feel they want to contribute to an organization because they have been treated well or given a good opportunity. |
Work Ethic | How much effort and care an employee puts into their work. This includes focus and depth of immersion in tasks and a willingness to work longer when something important needs to be completed. |
Interpersonal Attitude | How an employee treats other people including managers, coworkers, partners and customers. This begins with professionalism whereby on the surface of things an employee maintains a high standard of conduct. Interpersonal attitude also includes the spirit of conduct such as not being passive aggressive. Another important factor here is personal presence and whether an employee comes off as hostile or unhelpful, particularly towards customers. |