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Database of Urban Issues (120 Entries)

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Urban issues are problems, challenges and risks that face the people living in a highly populated area. Cities are remarkable environments that can support a high quality of life for large populations. However, they are also prone to a large number of issues.
All (125)
Social (28)
Economic (18)
Community (26)
Culture (10)
Quality of Life (32)
Environment (19)
Abandoned Buildings
Affordable Housing
Aging Population
Air Pollution
Airborne Particulate Matter
Airborne Toxins
Changing Family Structures
Climate Resilience
Construction Site Noise
Cost of Living
Crime Rates
Cultural Displacement
Cultural Fragmentation
Declines In Local Businesses
Declines In Local Industries
Digital Isolation
Discrimination and Social Exclusion
Ecosystem Fragmentation
Education Costs
Education Quality
Financial Instability
Financial Services Access
Food Deserts
Healthcare Access
Heat Stress
High Competition For Housing
High Property Taxes
High Rates of Traffic Accidents
High Street Traffic
Homelessness In Public Spaces
Housing Displacement
Housing Insecurity
Immigration Integration
Inadequate Disaster Preparedness
Industrial Pollution
Infrastructure Decay
Insufficient Shops & Services
Isolation Among Seniors
Lack of Affordable Childcare
Lack of Bike Lanes
Lack of Community Engagement
Lack of Community Life
Lack of Cultural Opportunities
Lack of Economic Opportunity
Lack of Green Space
Lack of Libraries & Study Spaces
Lack of Local Services
Lack of Public Restrooms
Lack of Recreational Opportunities
Lack of Social Support
Land Degradation
Language Barriers
Legal Services Access
Light Pollution
Limited Accessibility For Disabled People
Limited Public Amenities
Limited Public Space
Limited Social Interaction Between Neighbors
Long Commutes
Low Pay Relative to Cost of Living
Mental Health Services
Neighborhood Safety
Noise From Nightlife
Noise Pollution
Over-reliance on Tourism
Overconsumption of Resources
Overcrowded Housing
Overcrowded Schools
Overcrowded Transportation
Overpriced Cultural Experiences Such as Museums
Overpriced Goods and Services
Pedestrian Safety
Police Accountability
Police Militarization
Poor Walkability
Poorly Maintained Parks
Proliferation of Fast Food Chains
Property Speculation
Public Housing Conditions
Public Safety
Public Smoking
Public Space Privatization
Racial Segregation
Rapidly Increasing Cost of Living
Safety Concerns
School Safety
Slow Emergency Response Times
Small Living Spaces
Social Fragmentation
Social Isolation
Social Segregation
Stormwater Management
Street Art and Graffiti
Street Littering
Substance Abuse
Terrorism and Urban Security Threats
Traffic Congestion
Transience of Urban Population
Unclean Greenspace
Unkempt Sidewalks
Unreliable Transportation
Unsafe Pedestrian Crossings
Unsafe Public Spaces
Unwanted Solicitors
Urban Decay
Urban Deforestation
Urban Heat Islands
Urban Identity
Urban Inflation
Urban Poverty
Urban Sprawl
Vacant Lots
Vandalized Property
Waste Management Issues
Water Quality Issues
Youth Unemployment

What are Urban Issues?

Urban issues are problems and challenges that are specific to cities or that are more common and intensive in cities. For example, cost of living problems can also impact rural residents but these problems can be intensified in a city due to factors such as high rent.
Definition of Urban Issues
Problems, challenges and risks that are specific to an urban area such as a city or neighborhood.
Most, if not all, nations are experiencing a long-term trend known as urbanization whereby people have increasingly migrated to cities over the past several hundred years.
At first glace, this may indicate that cities have high quality of life that attracts new residents. However, there are also economic factors at play here whereby there are more jobs and other opportunities such as education in cities that drive populations to urbanize.
In many professions, most jobs are located in cities such that urban living is essentially required to pursue a particular line of work. Cities also generally have far more opportunities on the economic side such that people may sacrifice elements of quality of life such as access to green spaces and air quality to live in a city.

Cities & Wealth

In many cases, cities are wonderful places to live if you are wealthy but can be quite exclusionary, difficult and harsh for the middle class and people experiencing poverty. For example, the prices of housing can be very high and can suddenly rise at a rapid pace causing community displacement.
Even where pay is much higher in a large city than in other regions of the same country, the cost of living in such cities may still cause large portions of the population to struggle.

Quality of Life

Urbanization isn't inherently bad or good for quality of life as there are cities that support very high quality of life and there are a cities that are terrible places to live.
Cities can allow for vibrant and stimulating environments that are convenient, safe, secure, clean, green and highly social and engaging. In many cases, people in cities can walk to everything they need and get much exercise due to increased access to pedestrian, cycling and recreational infrastructure.
On the flip side, cities can become dirty and oppressive environments that are fully inconsistent with human thriving and happiness. They can be polluted, socially isolated, unattractive, expensive, unsafe, insecure, unfriendly and harsh.
So here then, it is worth working on urban issues. They can be solved. Cities can revive and become safe, clean and vibrant places filled with opportunity.
Next read: Community Issues
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