Aging population | Aging workforce and business owners in agriculture |
Agriculture issues | Brain drain – flight of skilled workers to cities |
Childcare access | Conflict between hunters and property owners |
Conservation of natural resources | Cost of living such as fuel |
Cultural preservation and revitalization | Declining population |
Dependence on agriculture | Dependence on cars e.g. loosing drivers license becomes major issue |
Dependence on single industry such as mining | Disaster risks such as forest fires |
Education access | Educational attainment levels |
Elder care access | Emergency preparedness |
Environmental pollution | Financial services access |
Generational shifts and changing ways of life | Geographical distances |
Healthcare access | Inadequate emergency services |
Income instability such as jobs related to seasonal tourism | Internet access and speed |
Lack of culture and entertainment options | Lack of economic diversity |
Lack of food options e.g. one local grocery store | Lack of goods and services |
Lack of job opportunities | Lack of public services |
Lack of public transportation | Lack of social opportunities |
Lack of social services | Lack of sports and recreation facilities |
Lack of support networks | Lack of youth programs |
Limited business opportunities | Living costs such as transportation |
Long commute | Maintaining social cohesion and community engagement |
Poor air quality e.g. due to agricultural activities | Poor infrastructure |
Poor road conditions | Preschool access |
Rural poverty | School quality |
Social isolation | Substance abuse and addiction |
Waste management access | Working conditions in industries such as mining and agriculture |