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Environmental Issues
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75 Examples of Environmental Issues

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Environmental issues are negative impacts to the natural environment resulting from human activities. This includes damage to ecosystems, habitats, biodiversity and natural resources. Environmental issues can impact human health and quality of life. Some issues also represent risks to the future of humanity and the planet. The following are illustrative examples of environmental issues.
Agricultural runoff
Agriculture emissions
Air pollution
Beach loss
Biodiversity loss
Chemical spills
Chemicals in consumer products
Climate change
Coastal erosion
Colony collapse disorder – loss of bees
Construction dust
Contaminated drinking water
Coral reef bleaching
Destruction of beneficial insects
Destruction of landforms
Ecosystem degradation
Electronic waste
Endangered species
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals
Environmental impact of war and weapon testing
Environmental justice – social impacts of environmental damage
Flaring – burning off unwanted gases
Habitat destruction
Habitat disruption
Habitat fragmentation
Heavy metal contamination
Illegal logging
Indoor air pollution
Industrial emissions
Land degradation
Landfills and waste disposal
Light pollution
Loss of coastal ecosystems
Loss of ecological balance
Loss of rainforests
Marine debris and ocean plastic
Marine pollution
Mining impacts
Monoculture agriculture
Noise pollution
Nuclear waste
Nutrient pollution, eutrophication & algal blooms
Ocean acidification
Oil spills
Overconsumption of resources
Ozone depletion
Particulate matter
Persistent organic pollutants – chemicals that persist in the environment
Pesticide pollution
Pharmaceutical pollution
Plastic pollution
Power plant emissions
Radioactive waste
Rocket emissions
Shipping emissions
Soil erosion
Space debris
Thermal pollution
Toxic chemicals
Transportation emissions
Urban runoff
Visual pollution
Volatile organic compounds
Waste incineration
Water cycle disruption
Water pollution
Water scarcity
Wildlife trafficking
Currently, the ozone layer is in healing mode with gradual improvements. This is an example of international cooperation that has mitigated an environmental problem.
At the domestic level, some developed nations are far less polluted than in the past such that environmental issues are solvable.

Environmental Issues

This is the complete list of articles we have written about environmental issues.
Air Pollution
Cascading Failure
Creeping Normality
Cultural Lag
Environmental Impact
Environmental Issues
Existential Risk
Forest Dieback
Global Warming
Material Diversity
Quality Of Life
Resistance To Change
Right To Know
Space Junk
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"The ozone layer is on track to recover in the coming decades, the United Nations says", NPR, Jaclyn Diaz, January 10, 2023.

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