Agricultural runoff | Agriculture emissions |
Air pollution | Beach loss |
Biodiversity loss | Carcinogens |
Chemical spills | Chemicals in consumer products |
Climate change | Coastal erosion |
Colony collapse disorder – loss of bees | Construction dust |
Contaminated drinking water | Coral reef bleaching |
Deforestation | Desertification |
Destruction of beneficial insects | Destruction of landforms |
Ecosystem degradation | Electronic waste |
Endangered species | Endocrine-disrupting chemicals |
Environmental impact of war and weapon testing | Environmental justice – social impacts of environmental damage |
Extinction | Flaring – burning off unwanted gases |
Habitat destruction | Habitat disruption |
Habitat fragmentation | Heavy metal contamination |
Illegal logging | Indoor air pollution |
Industrial emissions | Land degradation |
Landfills and waste disposal | Light pollution |
Loss of coastal ecosystems | Loss of ecological balance |
Loss of rainforests | Marine debris and ocean plastic |
Marine pollution | Microplastics |
Mining impacts | Monoculture agriculture |
Noise pollution | Nuclear waste |
Nutrient pollution, eutrophication & algal blooms | Ocean acidification |
Oil spills | Overconsumption of resources |
Overfishing | Ozone depletion |
Particulate matter | Persistent organic pollutants – chemicals that persist in the environment |
Pesticide pollution | Pharmaceutical pollution |
Plastic pollution | Poaching |
Power plant emissions | Radioactive waste |
Rocket emissions | Shipping emissions |
Soil erosion | Space debris |
Thermal pollution | Toxic chemicals |
Transportation emissions | Urban runoff |
Visual pollution | Volatile organic compounds |
Waste incineration | Water cycle disruption |
Water pollution | Water scarcity |
Wildlife trafficking |