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5 Examples of Accelerated Life Testing

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Accelerated life testing is the testing of a product or part by subjecting it to forces and conditions in excess of typical conditions. The term implies a simulation of wear and tear over time. The following are illustrative examples.


An aircraft part is subjected to mechanical stresses such as compression, tension, shear, bending and torsion. Such forces are applied in an alternating fashion to simulate the fatigue the part may experience over time.


A mobile device is bent out of shape and allowed to bounce back to its original shape in a repeated fashion to simulate real world conditions such as being placed in someone's pocket on a daily basis.


A circuit board is subjected to high temperatures for an extended duration that exceed anticipated operating conditions.


A submarine communications cable undergoes deep ocean pressure simulation testing.

Step Stress

Accelerated life tests may be designed as a series of steps that begin with mild conditions and progress to extreme conditions. Such tests may continue until the product is judged to be broken.
Overview: Accelerated Life Testing
Definition (1)
The testing of a product or part by subjecting it to forces in excess of typical conditions.
Definition (2)
Simulating wear and tear over time by subjecting products to extreme conditions such as repeated stresses.
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