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Design debt is a low quality design that is likely to cause future costs. The term is an analogy to financial debt.Designs include engineering, technical plans, visual design and any other plan that details how to build something. Design debts are a type of risk that occur due to constraints such as budget, time or the abilities of the designer. As with all risk, design debt isn't necessarily a bad thing. Design requires tradeoffs that often result in a design debt of one type or another.
Type | | Definition | A weakness in a design that represents a risk. | Examples | An automobile designed with a part that wears out quickly, resulting in repairs under warranty and lower customer satisfaction.
A technical design that smells bad resulting in a costly redesign.An architectural design that duplicates data in a variety of repositories resulting in costly data quality issues.Infrastructure that is designed for today's capacity with no consideration of the future. | Related Concepts | |
IT Skills
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A reasonably comprehensive list of information technologies.
A list of gamification techniques.
A list of common IT problems.
The basic types of cloud computing.
The common types of machine data.
The common types of software.
A definition of proprietary technology with examples.
The common elements of a systems design.
The difference between systems and applications explained.
An overview of problem solving with examples.
A list of thinking approaches and types.
A definition of workaround with examples.
A list of common creative thinking techniques.
A list of common types of problems.
The definition of analysis paralysis with examples.
The definition of the arrow of time with examples.
An overview of common business problems.
The definition of decision framing with examples.
The common types of research.
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