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Database of Common Decisions (180 Entries)

Common decisions are choices that an individual is likely to face over the course of their life. This includes everything from major life decisions such as choosing a profession to everyday decisions such as deciding to brush your teeth.
All (187)
Life (43)
Daily (33)
Family (18)
School (23)
Career (41)
Social (36)
Accepting Invitations
Accepting a Friend Request
Accepting a Job Offer
Adopting a Family Pet
Applying For Scholarships
Applying For a Job
Applying to a College
Asking Coworkers to Go For Lunch
Asking For Advice
Asking For a Work Transfer
Asking Someone Out
Assigning Chores and Responsibilities
Attending Events
Attending a Lecture
Beginning a Relationship
Building Relationships
Buying a Family Car
Buying a Home
Buying a Product
Buying a Stock
Canceling a Service
Career Changes
Changing Schools
Choosing Elective Courses
Choosing a Major In College
Choosing a Restaurant
Choosing a School
Closing a Business
Committing to Work Assignments
Completing Some Work
Completing a Task
Complimenting Someone
Congratulating Someone For Something
Contacting People
Criticizing Someone
Criticizing a Colleague
Crossing the Street
Daydreaming In Class
Deciding Where to Sit in a Class
Deciding to Apologize
Deciding to Be Social and Approachable
Deciding to Forgive
Deciding to Try to Become Friends With Someone
Divorce or Separation
Doing Chores
Ending a Relationship
Family Outings
Family Rules
Getting In Shape
Getting Married
Giving Gifts
Going Into the Office
Going Out For Coffee
Going to College
Going to a Party
Graduate Degrees
Home Renovation Decisions
Improving Study Habits
Initiating Conversations In the Office
Introducing Friends to Each Other
Investment Decisions
Joining Academic Competitions
Joining Clubs
Joining Community Events
Joining Extracurricular Activities
Joining Potentially Social Activities Such as Fitness Classes
Joining School Events
Joining Sports Teams
Joining Work Events
Learning a Language
Learning a New Skill
Lending Someone a Book
Lifestyle Choices
Listening to Music
Living Abroad
Major Family Purchases
Major Personal Purchases
Making Plans For the Future
Meal Choices
Meal Planning
Mealtime Rules Such as No Phones
Messaging Someone
Naming a Pet
Neglecting a Responsibility
Offering to Help a Neighbor
Organizing Meetings
Organizing Trips With Friends
Overcoming a Fear
Parenting Decisions
Participating in Industry Events
Participating in Team Building Events
Paying Attention In Class
Paying Attention While Driving
Paying Off a Debt
Picking a Project Topic
Pitching An Idea
Planning Outings
Planning a Birthday Party
Planning a Movie Night
Planning a Study Schedule
Playing a Game
Posting Something Online
Practicing a Skill
Prioritizing Adventure
Prioritizing Comfort, Convenience and Safety
Prioritizing Family
Prioritizing Freedom
Prioritizing Health
Prioritizing Responsibility
Prioritizing Social Status
Prioritizing Values and Ethics
Prioritizing Work
Protesting Something
Pursuing Additional Education While Working
Pursuing An Interest
Pursuing Lifelong Learning
Pursuing Profession Certification
Pursuing a Career
Pushing Into a Project
Quitting a Job
Quitting a School
Recognizing a Failure
Recommending Something to Someone
Rejecting Work Assignments
Researching a Topic at Depth
Responding to Messages
Running For Public Office
Running For Student Government
Salary Negotiation Decisions
Saving Money
Saying Something
Saying Yes/No to a Request
Screen Time Limits
Seeking Help From a Parent or Teacher
Seeking Networking Opportunities
Setting a Goal
Sharing Content Online
Sharing Personal Posts Online
Sharing a Personal Story
Skipping Class
Small Acts of Kindness
Solving a Big Problem
Speaking Up In Meetings
Spending Time With Someone
Sponsoring a Project
Starting a Business
Starting a Conversation
Starting a Hobby
Starting a Hobby Group
Starting a Music Band
Starting a Side Hustle
Studying For a Test
Taking Initiative
Taking Time to Think
Taking Training
Taking a Bath
Taking a Break
Taking a Part-time Job
Taking a Risk
Taking a Sabbatical
Taking on New Responsibilities
Taking on Public Speaking Opportunities
Taking on an Action Item
Telling a Joke
Thanking Someone
Thinking About Something
Throwing a Party
Trying to Overcome An Obstacle
Vacation Plans
Volunteering For Committees
Voting Decisions
Waking Time
Wasting Time
Way of Life
Way of Thinking
Working From Home
Working Hard
Working Hard For a Bonus or Commission
Working Hard For a Promotion
Working Late
Working on Weekends

Life Decisions

Decisions that are likely to influence the entire course of your life. This includes decisions that society lays out for us such as what college to apply for. Life decisions can also be internal to yourself such as a decision to set some life priorities or principles.
People often feel that life decisions have to be made as a big decision upfront and may overthink them. In fact, many life decisions can be made incrementally. You are also free to change your mind about your life direction at any time. For example, an individual who decides not to retire but rather starts a new career at 60 that ends up lasting 40 years.

Daily Decisions

Sources have claimed that adults make 33,000 to 35,000 decisions a day (Hoomans, 2015). This seems highly unlikely as if you have 16 waking hours in a day, that's only 57,600 seconds such that 35,000 decisions would be more than a decision every 2 seconds. Nevertheless, the number of decisions we make is certainly very high and has increased in the modern world due to factors such as expansive product selection and digital environments such as social media and video games that prompt us for constant decisions.

Family Decisions

Family decisions are primarily made by adults in a family with children participating more and more as they get older. This is perhaps good experience in the process of group decision making and how to influence others. In many cases, family decisions can be simplified by taking on roles and responsibilities or by taking turns. For example, taking turns choosing the restaurant when you go out.

Academic Decisions

Decisions regarding your academic career and participation in school life. This includes life decisions such as choosing to apply to a college and everyday decisions such as choosing a distraction over studying.

Career Decisions

Career decisions include personal decisions such as accepting a job offer and decisions at work itself such as taking on an action item.

Social Decisions

Decisions related to other people such as choosing to greet a neighbor in the morning even if they don't seem particularly friendly. These decisions add up over time and end up shaping your relationships with others and your sense of connectedness to your community.
Next read: Common Problems
More about decisions:
Abilene Paradox
Common Decisions
Decision Examples
Individual Choices
Sanity Check
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Dr. Joel Hoomans, "35,000 Decisions: The Great Choices of Strategic Leaders", March 20, 2015.

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