Assumptions | Behavioral Data - information about what humans are doing |
Books | Brochures |
Budgets | Calculations |
Concepts | Constraints |
Conversations | DNA |
Data - information represented by machine or system | Databases |
Designs | Directives |
Discussions | Disinformation |
Documents | Emails |
Events - information about something that has happened or will happen | Facts |
Films | Financial Statements |
Formulas | Graphics |
Graphs | Guidelines |
Ideas | Ingredients |
Interaction Data - information about human-machine interaction such as how you move your mouse | Journals |
Key Performance Indicators | Know-how |
Knowledge - information understood by a human | Known Unknowns - information about what you don't know |
Ledgers | Letters |
Location Data | Logic |
Logs | Maps |
Materials e.g. learning materials | Measurements |
Media | Meeting Minutes |
Memes | Messages |
Methods | Metrics |
Misinformation | Models |
Music | Myths |
Notes | Observations |
Patterns | Perceptions |
Photographs | Policies |
Posts | Presentations |
Principles | Probabilities |
Processes | Propaganda |
Proposals | Rationales |
Reasons | Records |
Requirements | Risks |
Rules | Rumors |
Screens | Sensor Data |
Situational Awareness - e.g. a driver who sees a pedestrian | Slogans |
Social Media Posts / Messages | Specifications |
Standards | Stories |
Strategies | Symbols |
Tables - e.g. table of figures | Theories |
Trade Secrets | Transaction Data |
Values | Videos |
Visuals | Web Pages |
Information as Thing
Information-as-thing is the practice of viewing data as a static entity that exists at a time and place. This can be contrasted with information-as-process that views information in terms of its effect on processes as they occur. A third view, information-as-knowledge views information in terms of human processes such as communication.Overview: Information Things | ||
Type | ||
Definition | Meaning that can be recorded, communicated and used. | |
Related Concepts |