Academia | Art Museums |
Cities | Classrooms |
Communities | Cultures |
Families | Immersive Art |
Industries | Institutions |
Libraries | Markets |
Media Environments | Middle Class |
Mixed Reality | Nations |
Neighborhoods | Organizations |
Professions | Schools |
Situational Environments - e.g. landing an aircraft at a busy airport | Subcultures |
Super Cultures | Teams |
The Global Information Environment | Universities |
Upper Class | User Interfaces |
Video Conferences | Video Games |
Work Environments | Working Class |
Overview: Information Environment | ||
Type | ||
Definition (1) | A place where information exchange occurs. | |
Definition (2) | A physical, virtual or conceptual location where information exchange occurs. | |
Definition (3) | The surroundings, context and conditions where information exchange occurs. | |
Types | Physical EnvironmentsVirtual EnvironmentsConceptual Environments | |
Related Concepts |