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Process quality is the degree to which a process achieves its objectives in the most efficient way possible. This includes the design of the process and the realities of whether the real world process conforms to this design. It is common for processes to be inefficient, unstable, ad hoc, disorganized and unsupported by systems and data. The following are common examples of process quality.
Defined process objectives | Process design | Process gaps | Process measurements | Process controls | Standard operating procedures | Process automation | Systems quality | Statistical process control | Workflows | Checklists | Process monitoring | Data driven processes | Data quality | Standardization | Error prevention | Consistency | Accuracy | Compliance | Reliability | Process documentation | Defined roles & responsibilities | Segregation of duties | Process training | Error handling | Process integration – processes and systems that work together | Transparency | Information security | Cost efficiency | Process speed | Lack of bottlenecks and inefficiencies | Productivity | Efficient use of resources | Audit trail | Process audits | Continuous improvement of the process | Mechanisms for oversight and accountability | Work culture such as service culture | Communication processes | Escalation processes | Issue and problem management processes | Process impact on the customer experience and customer satisfaction |
Segregation of duties is a process control that strategically divides authority between different roles. For example, hiring managers who have no control over salary offers such that people can't hire friends with inflated salaries.Next read: Examples of Quality ManagementTry our search
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A list of quality types.
A definition of durability.
A definition of fault tolerance with several examples.
A definition of credence quality.
An overview of build quality with examples.
An overview of business quality with examples.
An overview of high quality with examples.
An overview of quality expectations with examples.
An overview of manufacturing quality with examples.
An overview of quality characteristics with a list of examples.
An overview of quality.
An overview of system quality with examples.
An overview of low quality with examples.
A complete overview of everything involved in quality management with examples.
An overview of cost of quality with examples.
An overview of project quality management with examples.
A list of measurable quality objectives for products, services and experiences.
An overview of quality analysis with examples.
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