Accessibility | Accuracy |
Adequate staffing | Aesthetics |
Appropriate duration | Appropriate size |
Attention to detail | Attentive service |
Billing accuracy | Brand reputation |
Build quality | Capacity |
Cleanliness | Clear terms |
Comfort | Compatibility |
Confidentiality | Configurability |
Consistency | Convenience |
Courtesy | Customer experience |
Customization options | Difficult to break |
Diligent service | Ease of maintenance |
Ease of use | Easy to clean |
Efficiency – doesn’t waste resources | Emotionally engaging |
Environmental friendliness | Ergonomics |
Expertise | Fair terms |
Features | Flexibility |
Follows tradition or culture | Foolproof |
Functionality | Guarantees |
Healthy | Helpful service |
Hygienic | Ingredient quality |
Integrates with other things | Interoperability |
Lack of defects | Lack of errors |
Lack of problems | Lack of smell or good smell |
Learnability | Look and feel |
Maintenance | Manufacturing quality |
Material quality | Packaging quality |
Performance | Personal attention |
Pleasing to use | Portability |
Power functions for experts | Presentation of things such as food |
Pricing transparency | Privacy |
Productive to use | Professionalism |
Quality of content | Reliability |
Reputation | Resilient to stresses |
Respectfulness | Responsiveness |
Return policies | Reusable |
Safety | Security |
Self-service options | Serves customer needs |
Sound quality | Speed |
Stability | Standards compliance |
Support | Taste |
Transparent, open and communicative | Trustworthiness |
Undo and cancel functions | Upgradability |
User-friendliness | Users given control |
Value for money | Versatility |
Visual appeal | Visual quality |
Weight | Welcoming environments |
Well-designed | Well-structured |