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What is Quality Equals Quantity?

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Quality equals quantity is the practice of measuring qualitative factors such as aesthetics by how well something sells. This practice is associated with businesses that operate at scale based solely on numbers. The following are hypothetical examples.


A fast food chain develops dozens of new menu items each month in each operating region. Each menu item is deployed on a trial basis a one or two restaurants. Those that sell well are launched to the entire region. In some cases, a top seller might be launched globally.
The product development team might guess at quality factors such as taste and aesthetics. However, the decision to launch at scale is driven solely by sales results.

User Interfaces

A marketing team develops six different menus for their website and determines which is most appealing with A/B testing on the live site. The menu that gets the most clicks is deemed to be the winner.
Overview: Quality Equals Quantity
The practice of making quality decisions based on sales volumes or a similar measure of commercial volume.
Risks missing the big picture. For example, a menu item that doesn't taste good might attract sales anyway due to factors such as its name or marketing photos. However, it may damage the brand and repeat sales if it doesn't actually satisfy customers.
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This is the complete list of articles we have written about quality.
Conformance Quality
Cost Of Poor Quality
Credence Quality
Critical To Customer
Critical To Quality
Customer Satisfaction
Data Quality
Defect Density
Defect Rate
Defensive Design
Design Quality
Document Quality
Ease Of Use
Experience Quality
Figure Of Merit
Fit For Purpose
Information Quality
Non-Functional Testing
Operational Testing
Perceived Value
Planned Obsolescence
Product Quality
Quality Assurance
Quality Control
Quality Culture
Quality Examples
Quality Improvement
Quality Management
Quality Metrics
Quality Objectives
Quality Of Life
Quality Policy
Quality Requirements
Quality Testing
Recovery Paradox
Regression Testing
Reliability Engineering
Service Quality
Types of Quality
Acceptance Testing
Work Quality
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