Social analysis is the systematic examination of society. This can be done to document and explain current or historical social systems and behavior. It is also common for social analysis to consider the impact of proposed changes on a community. The following are common examples of social analysis.
Adaption to change | Attitudes | Behavior | Bias | Change agents | Civic engagement | Communication and media | Communities | Community decision making | Cooperation | Crime | Culture | Demographics | Discrimination | Economic conditions | Education quality | Entrepreneurship and small business | Environmental issues | Fairness | Family | Freedoms | Gender | Generational differences | Health and wellness | Heritage | Housing issues | Identity | Income | Institutions | Justice | Labor markets | Language | Lifestyle | Literacy and educational attainment | Marriage | Norms | Norms enforcement | Opinions | Political activism | Political system | Poverty | Power and authority | Race & ethnicity | Resistance to change | Rights | Safety and security | Social change | Social cohesion | Social conflict | Social exclusion | Social interaction | Social isolation | Social issues | Social mobility | Social networks | Social organization | Social responsibilities | Social roles | Social services | Social status | Social structures | Social trust | Socialization | Stigma | Subcultures | Traditions | Values | Way of life | Wealth | Working conditions |
Traditional social analysis views people and communities as having high agency whereby they influence their own lives and outcomes. Postmodern social analysis views people and communities as having little or no agency such that outcomes are determined by power structures and systems as opposed to people themselves. These two approaches are likely to produce vastly different interpretations.Next: Community Analysis
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