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Tea green is a light green color with a glow to it that is based on the color of brewed green tea. This has a large number of related colors based on different types of green tea in their brewed, powered and leaf states. Some types of green tea, such as matcha are slightly bluish. All tea comes from green tea leaves with brown teas being fermented or oxidized and green teas being roasted or steamed to prevent oxidization. Japanese green tea is typically steamed and this method produces the most vivid colors. The following are common types of green tea color.
Neon Green Tea #1be8b1 Green Tea Leaf #1e490b Old Tea #5b6d3a Matcha Powder #82bc1c Matcha #8fc358 Pastel Matcha #93bb8b Sencha #b7f996 Tea Green #3 #b7fbda True Matcha #bcdc3f Tea Green #2 #cae8bc Tea Green #d0f0c0 Matcha Latte #dbeeaf
Color Palettes
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