Architecture | Art |
BBQs | Beach Culture |
Beverages | Cafes |
Celebrations | Circuses |
Comedy | Comics / Anime |
Concerts | Cooking |
Cosplay | Costumes |
Crafts | Creative Writing |
Cuisine | Cultural Icons |
Customs | Dance |
Desserts | Diy |
Drawing | Fairs |
Fashion | Festivals |
Film | Food |
Furniture | Games |
Gardens | Gastronomy |
Historical Artifacts | Historical Sites |
Hobbies | Holidays |
Immersive Experiences | Initiations |
Interior Design | Internet |
Languages | Literature |
Martial Arts | Media - e.g. magazines |
Movie Theaters - i.e. the experience of watching a film with an audience | Museums |
Music | Myth |
Nightlife | Painting |
Pastimes | Performance Art |
Photography | Picnics |
Pilgrimages | Play |
Public Speaking | Recreation |
Religion | Restaurants |
Rites of Passage | Rituals |
Sayings / Truisms | Social Meals |
Sports | Storytelling |
Street Art | Theatre |
Theme Parks | Traditional Economy |
Traditional Knowledge | Travel |
Urban Environments e.g. streets that have culture to them | Video Games |
Youth Culture |
Culture as a Right
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights grants the "right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community." This is also enshrined into the constitutions of several nations. For example, the constitution of Japan states "All people shall have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living."Cultural Pragmatism
Cultural pragmatism is the principle that culture exists if people agree that it exists and is important if people agree it is important. Culture is fully human and transcends direct measurement.Commercial Culture
Commercial entities can produce culture as per the principle of cultural pragmatism. For example, an old cafe that is viewed as important to the culture of a neighborhood.Overview: Cultural Life | ||
Type | ||
Definition | Elements of human existence that give life meaning and color. | |
Related Concepts |