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Structure is an organization of parts. This is a basic element of societies, systems, organizations, management, control, architecture, design, processes and rules. Structure can also be found in culture such as games and music. The opposites of structure include terms with negative connotations such as disorder and chaos. However, a lack of structure is also associated with the most valuable elements of the human experience such as freedom, creativity and play. The following are common antonyms of structure.
ad hoc | ambiguous | autonomy | boundless | casual | chaos | creative | disorder | disorganization | divergent | emergent | enigmatic | exploration | expression | flexible | formless | freedom | haphazard | impromptu | improvised | impulsive | jumbled | limitless | mysterious | nascent | open | organic | shapeless | spontaneous | turbulent | unbounded | uncertain | unchecked | uncontrolled | unhindered | unimpeded | unobstructed | unorganized | unplanned | unrestricted | unscripted | unstructured |
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