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Planning is the process of detailing goals and how they will be achieved. It often involves collection of information, strategy formation, decision making and organization of tasks. The following are common types of planning.
Outlining your purpose and direction. Deciding what you want to achieve.Objectives are steps that get you to your goals. For example, the objective to pass a test that gets you closer to a goal of graduating with a degree.
MeasurementDeciding upfront how you will measure or evaluate goals and objectives.Methods for achieving objectives. In many cases, multiple strategies are developed and planning involves a decision making process of comparing and selecting strategies.TasksBreaking strategies into completable work items.EstimationEstimating time and cost, often at the task level.ResourcingObtaining resources and assigning tasks.SchedulingScheduling tasks according to factors such as dependencies and your business calendar.Identifying and treating risks to your plans.Quick planning cycles that may skip directly to identifying tasks. Designed to respond to fast moving situations that represent opportunities or risks.Planning for alternative scenarios. For example, planning what you will do if a merger falls apart at a late stage in the process.|
Type | | Definition | The process of detailing goals and how they will be achieved. | Related Concepts | |
This is the complete list of articles we have written about planning.
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An overview of planning with examples.
An overview of different types of plans with full examples.
An overview of working planning with a template.
A guide to management techniques.
A definition of conformance with examples.
A definition of budget planning with examples.
A guide to the innovation management process.
The definition of management efficiency with examples.
An overview of small business management with examples.
The common types of employee performance.
The definition of standard with examples.
An complete overview of management levels.
A list of common project risks.
A list of basic project management techniques.
A definition of workaround with examples.
A list of project branding techniques.
An overview of project stakeholder management with examples.
A definition of action plan with examples.
The primary types of cost overrun.
The definition of document control with examples.
A guide to project oversight.
A definition of design driven development with examples.
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