Ad conversion rate | Asset utilization rate |
Average order value | Brand recall |
Brand recognition rate | Budget variance |
Capability rate | Capacity utilization |
Cash conversion cycle | Click-through rate (CTR) |
Compliance rate - e.g. % systems that comply to a standard | Conversion rate |
Cost effectiveness | Cost per acquisition (CPA) |
Cost per click (CPC) | Cost-per-hire |
Cross-sell rate | Customer acquisition cost (CAC) |
Customer churn rate | Customer complaint rate |
Customer lifetime value (CLV) | Customer payback period |
Customer retention rate | Customer satisfaction score |
Cycle time | Debt-to-asset ratio |
Defect rate | Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) |
Employee absenteeism rate | Employee accident rate |
Employee engagement rate | Employee productivity |
Employee satisfaction | Employee turnover rate |
Error rate | Expense ratio |
Goal completions | Gross billings |
Gross bookings | Gross margin |
Gross merchandise volume (GMV) | Growth rate |
Inspection rate | Inventory turnover rate |
Lead generation rate | Lead time |
Loss ratio | Market growth rate |
Market share | Mean time between failures (MTBF) |
Mean time to repair (MTTR) | Monthly recurring revenue |
Net bookings | Net present value |
Net promoter score (NPS) | New hire retention rate |
New product launch success rate | New revenue rate |
Non-conformance rate | Operating expense ratio |
Operating profit margin | Product return rate |
Product sales | Profit margin |
Qualified lead rate | Referral rate |
Repeat customer rate | Response time |
Return on assets (ROA) | Return on investment (ROI) |
Revenue growth rate | Revenue per customer |
Revenue per employee | Sales close rate |
Sales revenue | Schedule variance |
Share of wallet | Shopping cart abandonment rate |
Social media engagement rate | Social media followers |
Takt time - time between starting units on a production line | Throughput |
Time to market | Time to volume |
Time-to-hire | Top of mind - brand awareness |
Training completion rate | Unique visitors |
Upsell rate | User engagement |