Academic dishonesty | Accessibility barriers |
Behavioral challenges | Bullying and harassment |
Classroom discipline | Cost of education and college affordability |
Dropout rates | Education achievement gap |
Excessive student surveillance | Food insecurity, hunger and a lack of proper nutrition |
Funding cuts | Funding disparities and inequality |
Funding shortages | Gender discrimination |
High dropout rates | High-stakes testing |
Inadequate assessments | Inadequate facilities |
Inadequate feedback | Inadequate funding for special education programs |
Inadequate language support | Inadequate mental health support |
Inadequate processes for improving schools | Inadequate student housing |
Inadequate support for students from low-income families | Inadequate teacher training |
Inefficient school management | Insufficient education oversight |
Insufficient education standards | Insufficient or excessive testing |
Insufficient support for students with learning disabilities | Issues of free speech and censorship |
Lack of access to books | Lack of extracurricular programs |
Lack of field trips and hands-on learning experiences | Lack of gifted education and challenges for students |
Lack of lunchtime, recesses and breaks | Lack of outdoor education and nature experiences |
Lack of physical education | Lack of resources |
Lack of school transparency | Lack of student engagement |
Lack of support for immigration, refugees and undocumented students | Lack of teacher performance pay |
Lack of vocational education | Learning barriers in the classroom such as distractions and interruptions |
Low digital literacy | Low parental involvement |
Low student engagement | Low teacher evaluation standards |
Mismanagement of schools | Narrow or biased curriculum |
Outdated curriculum | Overcollection of student data and student privacy issues |
Overcrowded classrooms | Overfocus on rote learning |
Poor access for students with disabilities | Poor attendance and absenteeism |
Poor literacy skills | Racial discrimination |
School safety and security shortfalls | Standardized testing pressure |
Student debt | Student mental wellness |
Student motivation issues | Teacher bias |
Teacher burnout | Teacher pay issues |
Teacher retention issues | Teacher shortages |
Teacher training issues | Unequal or poor access to technology |