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57 Examples of a Learning Environment

A learning environment are the surroundings and conditions where learning takes place. This can include home study areas, schools, libraries, classrooms, campuses, virtual environments, workshops, labs and anywhere else where people learn. Learning environments include a physical environment, social environment and the structure of learning. The following are common elements of a learning environment.
Access to Outdoor Environments / Playgrounds
Assessment Practices
Challenging Assumptions - students who are able to challenge the ideas presented by materials / teachers / peers
Class Discussions
Classroom Culture
Classroom Decor
Classroom Diversity
Classroom Management
Classroom Norms
Clean Air / Water
Comradery - experiences that create feelings of fellowship amongst learners
Conflict - social conflict that occurs in the learning environment such as insults
Conformity - the degree to which students must conform to rules / practices / norms
Continuous Improvement - regularly trying to improve the learning environment
Creative Environments - learners feel open and brave and offer creative ideas without fear of criticism
Crowded / Busy Environments
Digital Distractions
Engagement - students ask questions / participate
Freedom of Speech / Groupthink / Self-Censorship
Furnishings & Fixtures
Group Work
Honor Code
Independent Research
Individualism - the degree to which students can pursue their own learning goals / projects / style
Knowledge of Performance - feedback about learning performance
Knowledge of Results - applying learning to see real world results
Lab Work - the ability to test things and experiment
Learning Goals - the purpose of learning is clear to everyone involved
Learning Habits
Loss of Face - e.g. teacher that asks students to pick teams such that the last to be picked are likely to feel bad
Music / Soundscapes
Noise Levels
Openness - ideas from anywhere
Opportunities for Growth - e.g. access to extracurricular activities
Recess / Breaks / Lunch
Roles & Responsibilities - e.g. senior students who have more responsibility
Safety & Security
School / Building Architecture
School Culture
Seating Arrangements
Social Environment
Social Inclusion / Social Exclusion
Social Stratification - e.g. uniforms that prevent demonstrations of social status through fashion
Stimulative Environments - e.g. colorful / decorative / cultured
Student Satisfaction With the Learning Process
Teacher Job Satisfaction - e.g. teachers who aren't overworked and underpaid
Teaching Methods
Transparency - the environment isn't secretive
Unstructured Time to Play / Socialize / Think
Windows / Natural Light

Contingency Theory

Contingency theory is the idea that there is no best way to structure, manage or lead things because these all depend on the situation. This would suggest that there is no best way to structure or manage learning environments -- that it depends on the situation including your resources, learners, subject matter and social environment.
Overview: Learning Environment
The surroundings and conditions where learning takes place.
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