Answering questions | Artwork |
Asking questions | Attending lectures |
Attending sporting events | Being tutored |
Ceremonies | Civic engagement |
Coding | Community service |
Comradery | Contributing to group discussion |
Creative expression | Creative writing |
Critical thinking | Cultural experiences |
Cultural immersion | Dealing with difficult people |
Debate | Design |
Entrepreneurial projects | Environmental projects |
Essays | Experiments |
Extracurricular activities | Field research |
Field trips | Giving presentations |
Graduation ceremonies | Group work |
Guest lectures and speeches | Hands-on experience |
Homework | Independent research |
Internships | Joining clubs |
Language immersion | Language learning |
Leading group efforts | Making friends |
Managing stress | Managing your time |
Meeting deadlines | Mentors |
Multicultural experience | Museums and art exhibits |
Musical performances | Networking |
Online learning | Organizing events |
Overcoming adversity | Planing goals |
Practicing an instrument | Problem-solving |
Protests | Public speaking |
Reaching goals | Reading |
Research | Rites of passage |
School trips | Sports |
Student government | Study groups |
Studying | Studying abroad |
Taking notes | Taking on responsibilities |
Teaching | Test taking |
Theatrical performances | Tutoring |
Volunteering | Working part-time |
Workshops and seminars | Writing papers |