Adventurous | Affectionate |
Afflicted | Aloof |
Amused | Angry |
Animated | Annoyed |
Anxious | Apprehensive |
Ashamed | Bitter |
Bliss | Bold |
Bored | Brave |
Bright | Calm |
Centered | Compassionate |
Confident | Confused |
Content | Courageous |
Curious | Cynical |
Dark | Defeated |
Depleted | Depressed |
Desperate | Despondent |
Determined | Disappointed |
Disengaged | Disgruntled |
Disgusted | Dismayed |
Distressed | Disturbed |
Doubtful | Dreadful |
Dreamy | Dreary |
Edgy | Embarrassed |
Enchanted | Engaged |
Exasperated | Excited |
Fearful | Fearless |
Focused | Free |
Frightened | Frustrated |
Furious | Gloomy |
Gratitude | Greedy |
Grief | Grouchy |
Grounded | Guilty |
Happy | Hateful |
Heartbroken | Hopeful |
Hopeless | Hostile |
Humble | Impatient |
Infuriated | Inhibited |
Inquisitive | Insulted |
Intrigued | Invigorated |
Irate | Isolated |
Jealous | Joyful |
Jubilant | Listless |
Lively | Loathing |
Lonely | Lost |
Love | Mad |
Malevolent | Melancholy |
Miserable | Motivated |
Negative | Nervous |
Nostalgic | Offended |
Optimistic | Outraged |
Overjoyed | Overwhelmed |
Panicked | Passionate |
Peaceful | Perplexed |
Pessimistic | Playful |
Positive | Proud |
Reflective | Regretful |
Rejected | Relaxed |
Relieved | Remorseful |
Resentful | Resigned |
Revulsion | Romantic |
Sad | Safe |
Sanguine | Satisfied |
Schadenfreude | Secure |
Sentimental | Shaken |
Shame | Shy |
Skeptical | Somber |
Sorrowful | Spirited |
Stimulated | Stressed |
Strong | Sublime |
Surprised | Suspicious |
Sympathetic | Tense |
Thankful | Thrilled |
Tranquil | Troubled |
Trusting | Uncomfortable |
Uneasy | Upbeat |
Vengeful | Weak |
Well | Withdrawn |
Wonder | Worried |
An emotion is anything that completes the statement "I feel ___." It is very common to use idioms and figures of speech to describe emotions such as "I feel down."For a mutually exclusive list of emotions see here.Overview: List Of Emotions | ||
Type | ||
Definition | A transitory state of mind that colors thinking | |
Related Concepts |