All (392)
Positive (168)
Negative (117)
Motivational (45)
Curiosity (38)
Urgency (30)
Abandoned | Abundant |
Accommodating | Achieve |
Act Quickly | Admired |
Adorable | Advance |
Affable | Affectionate |
Afraid | Ageless |
Aggrieved | Agitated |
Alarmed | Alive |
Amazing | Amenable |
Amused | Angered |
Animated | Annoyed |
Anxious | Apathetic |
Appreciated | Ashamed |
Aspire | Astonishing |
Awesome | Balanced |
Beaming | Beautiful |
Believe | Beloved |
Bewildered | Bitter |
Blessed | Blissful |
Bold | Bored |
Brave | Breakthrough |
Breathtaking | Bright |
Broken | Bubbly |
Bullish | Calm |
Capable | Caring |
Casual | Celebrated |
Challenge | Champion |
Change | Chase |
Cheerful | Cherished |
Chill | Closing |
Cohesive | Cold |
Comfortable | Comforting |
Composed | Compulsive |
Confident | Confidential |
Confused | Conquered |
Considerate | Constricted |
Content | Convinced |
Courage | Courageous |
Cowardly | Cozy |
Creative | Critical |
Crushed | Curious |
Danger | Dazzling |
Deadline | Dedication |
Defeated | Defenseless |
Delicate | Delighted |
Desolate | Despairing |
Desperate | Detached |
Determination | Devoted |
Disappointed | Discontent |
Discover | Disgruntled |
Disheartened | Dismayed |
Displeased | Dissatisfied |
Distraught | Distressed |
Don't Miss Out | Down |
Dramatic | Drive |
Eager | Easygoing |
Ecstatic | Effervescent |
Elated | Embarrassed |
Embittered | Emergency |
Empowered | Enchanting |
Encouraged | Ends Soon |
Endurance | Energized |
Enigma | Entertaining |
Enthusiastic | Envious |
Epic | Euphoric |
Exasperated | Excellence |
Excited | Exclusive |
Exhausted | Exhilarated |
Expectations | Extraordinary |
Extravagant | Fabulous |
Faint | Faithful |
Fantastic | Fascinating |
Fast | Fearful |
Fearless | Fierce |
Final | Final Call |
Flexible | Forbidden |
Fragile | Frantic |
Free-spirited | Frightened |
Frustrated | Fulfilled |
Fun | Fun-loving |
Furious | Generous |
Gentle | Giving |
Gleeful | Glowing |
Grateful | Greatness |
Grief-stricken | Grit |
Grounded | Guilty |
Happy | Happy-go-lucky |
Harmonious | Heartfelt |
Helpful | Helpless |
Hidden | High Spirits |
Honest | Hopeful |
Hopeless | Hostile |
Humorous | Hurry |
Hurt | Hustle |
Idealistic | Ignite |
Imaginative | Immediate |
Impressive | Impulsive |
Inadequate | Incredible |
Indignant | Innovative |
Insecure | Inspired |
Instant | Intriguing |
Invigorated | Invincible |
Irritated | Isolated |
Jealous | Journey |
Joyful | Jubilant |
Kind | Last Chance |
Last Moment | Left Behind |
Light | Lighthearted |
Limited | Lively |
Lonely | Loved |
Lucky | Lush |
Mad | Magical |
Magnificent | Master |
Mellow | Melodramatic |
Memorable | Miffed |
Mild | Mind-blowing |
Mind-expanding | Miserable |
Motivated | Mysterious |
Natural | Nervous |
New | Nostalgic |
Now | Now or Never |
Offended | Only Today |
Open-hearted | Opportunity |
Optimistic | Overcome |
Overdramatic | Overjoyed |
Overwhelmed | Panicked |
Paranoid | Passion |
Passionate | Patient |
Peaceful | Peeved |
Persist | Pessimistic |
Playful | Pleased |
Powerful | Powerless |
Progress | Promising |
Push | Puzzling |
Radiant | Rare |
Reach | Receptive |
Refreshed | Regretful |
Rejected | Relaxed |
Relieved | Reluctant |
Resentful | Resilient |
Respectful | Revolutionary |
Riled | Rise |
Rush | Sad |
Safe | Sanguine |
Satisfied | Scarcity |
Scared | Secret |
Secure | Sensational |
Sensitive | Sentimental |
Serene | Shattered |
Shiny | Shocked |
Showy | Shy |
Sick | Sincere |
Smug | Sociable |
Soft | Soulful |
Sparkling | Special |
Spectacular | Spirited |
Stagy | Strength |
Stressed | Striking |
Strive | Strong |
Stuck | Subtle |
Success | Successful |
Sulking | Sunny |
Supported | Supportive |
Surprising | Surrounded |
Suspended | Suspicious |
Sweet | Sympathetic |
Tender | Tenderhearted |
Tense | Terrified |
Thoughtful | Threatened |
Thrive | Time-sensitive |
Time’s Running Out | Time’s Up |
Tired | Tolerant |
Tranquil | Trapped |
Triumph | Trusting |
Unaffected | Unbelievable |
Uncertain | Uncharted |
Uncomfortable | Uncovered |
Understanding | Undesirable |
Unexpected | Unfocused |
Unhappy | Unique |
Unloved | Unpredictable |
Unseen | Unstoppable |
Untapped | Untold |
Untroubled | Unusual |
Unveiled | Unwanted |
Unworthy | Upbeat |
Uplift | Upset |
Urgent | Vexed |
Vibrant | Victorious |
Victory | Vulnerable |
Warm | Weak |
Weary | Welcoming |
Willpower | Wishful |
Wonder | Wonderous |
Worried | Worthless |
Wounded | Wretched |
What are Emotional Words?
Emotional words are more than adjectives used to describe emotions or moods, they also include words that invoke emotions. For example, simple words such as new, popular or trendy that can invoke a fear of missing out or curiosity in your audience.Definition of Emotional WordsWords and phrases that describe or invoke emotions.
Emotional words are critical to influencing and persuasion because emotions drive human behavior and thinking in profound ways. There are other ways to influence, such as a logical argument but these may also be related to emotions as logic feels safe and a need for safety, security and stability are basic drivers of emotions.It could be argued that all human behavior is largely emotional. For example, people who will only act based on scientific evidence or data are arguably satisfying emotional needs to avoid uncertainty.Emotional words aren't just a marketing thing and have implications for all communication. For example, they are particularly important for building relationships, expressing your personality and connecting with others.Next read: Emotions