Accept More Invitations | Adapt to Emotions in Others (e.g. show sympathy) |
Advocate for Others | Ask Others Questions That Are Fun To Answer |
Ask Someone Out | Avoid Gossip |
Be Friendly | Be Happy For the Successes of Others (i.e. avoid jealousy, envy and schadenfreude) |
Be Nice to People Who Have No Power Over You | Be Polite |
Be Positive / Optimistic / Expect Good Things | Become Less Self-Absorbed |
Become More Competitive at Work / Play | Become More Resilient (e.g. can handle minor insults without disrupting your day) |
Being Curious About Others | Being Fun |
Being Honest / Candid | Being Open to Others |
Complain Less | Consider / Take Suggestions From Others |
Contribute in Meetings / Class | Cook For Others / Organize a Pot Luck Meal |
Coolness -- Being Yourself and Not Worrying What People Think | Cooperate With Others |
Develop Confidence | Develop Social Skills |
Develop Your Sense of Humor | Disengage From Technology Around Others |
Do Good | Do Things to Disrupt Your Routine (e.g. stop using social media for a week) |
Engage Others With Similar Interests / Hobbies | Engage in Social Media in a Positive / Safe Way |
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone (do things that make you slightly nervous) | Give People Space When They Need It |
Greet Neighbors / Coworkers | Identify Emotions in Others |
Identify and Sideline Negative People | Join Events |
Join Extracurricular Activities | Learn to Control Negative Emotions |
Learn to Curb Behaviors that Alienate Others | Learn to Tell a Good Story |
Make Friends | Meet Friends of Friends |
Monitor Yourself in Social Situations (i.e. notice how people react to what you say) | Networking |
Notice the Potential & Strengths of Others | Open Up Conversations |
Organize a Lunch | Organize a Weekend Outing |
Overcome Shyness When it is Important To Do So | Participate in Culture |
Participate in School Life | Participate in Your Community |
Play | Public Speaking |
Push In To Projects / Work | Push In To Social Groups |
Show Your Personality | Spend Time With Friends / Family |
Stay in Touch With Family | Stay in Touch With Old Friends |
Stop Watching Time on Passive Leisure (e.g. watching TV) | Suggest Things |
Support Someone | Support the Ideas of Others |
Take the High Road (avoid matching the poor behavior of other) | Talk About / Open Up Future Possibilities (e.g. we could go camping someday ...) |
Team Sports / Hobbies That Involve Teamwork | Think About Your Social Performance at the End of Each Day To Identify Improvements |
Travel / Pursuit Adventure | Try to Appreciate the Humor of Others |
View Others in a Positive Light | Volunteer |
Work Less and Prioritize Social Pursuits |
Intentions vs Goals
When it comes to your social life or personal life, it is often better to establish intentions as opposed to setting goals. Intentions are standards for your own behavior and mindset that are fully within your control. This will create social outcomes. For example, if try to be aware of how people are feeling towards you in social situations and adapt you may be generally more socially competent and this may generate a large number of positive outcomes over time.