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Emotional Intelligence
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Database of Emotional Skills (100 Entries)

Emotional skills are abilities related to expressing, using, perceiving and regulating emotions. Human behavior and thinking is greatly influenced by emotions such that these are foundational social and life skills.
All (104)
Life Skills (38)
Social Skills (21)
Empathy (15)
Coping Skills (31)
Advocating For Others
Advocating For Yourself
Appreciation the Little Things In Life
Asking For Help
Awareness of How You're Being Perceived
Awareness of Your Own Reactions
Being Emotionally Available
Being Fully Present
Being Polite
Being Real With Others
Being Respectful
Being Yourself
Being a Good Friend
Bonding With Others
Building Rapport
Building Trust
Cognitive Restructuring
Conflict Resolution
Creativity as a Coping Strategy
Distancing Yourself From Negativity
Doing Good
Emotional Courage
Emotional Depth
Emotional Regulation
Emotional Resilience
Emotional Support
Establishing Positive Routines
Exercising as a Coping Strategy
Expressing Feelings
Expressing Sympathy
Expressing Understanding
Expressing Vulnerability
Feeling For Others
Forgiveness Practices
Genuine Interest In Others
Getting Enough Sleep
Gratitude Practices
Grounding Techniques
Helping Others
Impulse Control
Kind Gestures
Learning to Say No
Learning to Say Yes
Limiting Self-Criticism
Love of Life
Managing Stress
Motivation & Passion
Music as a Coping Strategy
Nature Appreciation
Nonjudgmental Listening
Openness to Experience
Overcoming Fears
Parenting Skills
Personal Integrity
Personal Presence
Personal Rituals
Personal Values
Physical Activities as a Coping Strategy
Positive Attitudes
Positive Humor
Prioritizing Health
Reading Emotions
Reading Intentions
Reading Moods
Reading Social Situations
Relationship Skills
Relaxation Techniques
Religious Practices
Seeing Good Things In Others
Seeing Good Things In Yourself
Sense of Accountability
Sense of Imagination
Setting Goals
Sharing Personal Stories
Spiritual Pursuits
Taking It Easy
Taking Responsibility
Tone of Voice Awareness
Trusting Others
Trying to See the Humor In Things
Understanding Others
Viewing Others Positively
Walking as a Coping Strategy

What are Emotions?

Emotions are essentially states of mind that color thoughts. These give humans great cognitive and behavioral depth whereby we think and react to things differently based on our emotions at a point in time.
Emotions are stabilized by moods that are essentially sustained emotions. However, emotions will shift over time often in response to situations and thoughts. For example, you may be in a joyful mood due to good weather but then shift into a discontented mood due to a traffic jam. This is your mind adapting your thinking to each situation and is a normal thing.

Cultivating Emotional Skills

Emotional skills can be cultivated with awareness of emotions and how they influence your thinking, behavior and social interactions. For example, people will often react more to the tone of what you say and your underlying emotions than to the meaning of what you're saying.
It may be possible to develop greater emotional depth by doing emotional things such as listening to music. Likewise, just thinking about emotions and how they influence your life each day can help you to identify ways to improve over time.
Coping skills can be more difficult to acquire as emotions can suddenly derail your thinking and behavior and this can be difficult to handle at a point in time. The basic approach here is to prepare ways to rework your emotions to restore productive thinking and actions.
At a basic level, simply recognizing that an emotion has a hold on you may vastly improve things as you can feel that this will pass with time. It may also be a good principle not to take major actions while in a dramatic emotional state but rather to let your emotions cool first.


Emotional skills are abilities that allow an individual to perceive the emotions of others and their own emotions and to use and express emotions.
Next read: Emotions
More about emotional intelligence:
Cultural Capital
Emotional Skills
Emotional States
Emotional Things
Motivated Reasoning
Negative Emotions
Positive Emotions
Showing Empathy
Social Skills
Soft Skills List
State Of Mind
What is Emotion
Wishful Thinking
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