Marketing Guides
Pricing Strategy
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A price war is intense price competition between two or more competitors in a market. It is characterized by retaliatory price cuts that may escalate until prices fall below costs for some competitors. As such, it can result in competitors dropping from a market.
Type | | Definition | A series of retaliatory price cuts by two or more competitors in a market. | Implications | A limited price war can be a sign of a highly functional market that is good for customers. An intense price war can end with large numbers of competitors dropping from a market. The result can be reduced quality and less selection. In some cases, a price war results in significantly reduced competition and higher prices in the long term. For example, a monopoly can emerge from a price war. | Related Concepts | |
This is the complete list of articles we have written about pricing.
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An overview of common pricing strategies.
A list of price discrimination strategies.
A list of price economics principles and theories.
A definition of premium pricing with examples.
A definition of penetration pricing with examples.
The definition of variable pricing with examples.
A definition of channel pricing with examples.
An overview of supply and demand with examples.
The definition of value pricing with examples.
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