All (275)
Positive (158)
Negative (50)
Neutral (20)
Personal Behavior (30)
Social Behavior (80)
Acceptance of Others | Accepting Accountability |
Accomplishing Things | Achieving Goals |
Acknowledging Mistakes | Acknowledging Others |
Adapting | Admiring |
Advancing | Advising |
Advocating For Something or Someone | Affection |
Agreeing | Altruism |
Analyzing | Answering |
Apologizing | Arguing |
Asking Questions | Assertiveness |
Assisting | Attendance |
Attentiveness | Avoidance |
Balancing | Befriending Others |
Being Calm | Being Confident |
Being Creative | Being Curious |
Being Fair | Being Flexible |
Being Outgoing | Being Reliable |
Being Smug | Being Yourself |
Believing | Betraying |
Blaming | Bravery |
Building Goodwill | Building Rapport |
Building Things | Building Trust |
Building Upon The Ideas of Others | Bullying |
Caregiving | Caring |
Celebrating | Challenging Assumptions |
Changing | Chatting |
Cheating | Clarifying |
Collaborating | Commanding |
Communicating | Compassion |
Competing | Complaining |
Complimenting Others | Compromising |
Compulsive Behaviors | Concentrating |
Confirming | Confronting |
Connecting | Considering |
Contemplation | Contributing |
Cooperation | Counseling |
Courage | Creating |
Criticizing | Debating |
Deceit | Decisiveness |
Defending | Defining |
Delaying | Delivering to Commitments |
Demanding | Demonstrating Commitment |
Demonstrating Dedication | Demonstrating Humility |
Demonstrating Respect | Depending on Others |
Designing | Determination |
Developing | Diligence |
Disagreeing | Discerning |
Discipline | Discovering |
Discussing | Disengaging |
Dismissing | Disputing |
Disrespecting | Disrupting |
Distracting | Distrusting |
Doing Good | Empathizing |
Emphasizing | Encouraging Others |
Enduring | Engaging |
Entertaining | Envisioning |
Establishing | Evaluating |
Exaggerating | Excluding |
Expanding | Experiencing |
Explaining | Exploring |
Expressing Gratitude | Facilitating |
Failing | Faithfulness |
Flourishing | Focusing |
Following | Forgiveness |
Fostering | Gathering |
Generating | Generosity |
Giving | Gossiping |
Helping Others | Hindering |
Honesty | Honoring Commitments |
Hosting | Humiliating |
Ignoring | Improving |
Inciting | Including Others |
Influencing | Inquiring |
Inspiring Others | Insulting |
Interacting | Interfering |
Intervening | Intimidating |
Introducing People | Introspecting |
Investigating | Inviting |
Isolating | Joining |
Kindness | Laziness |
Leading | Learning |
Listening | Loving |
Loyalty | Lying |
Making Decisions | Making Friends |
Malicious Compliance | Managing |
Manipulating | Mediating |
Mentoring | Monitoring |
Motivating | Neglecting |
Negotiating | Networking |
Observing | Obstructing |
Offending | Opposing |
Oppressing | Optimizing |
Organizing | Overcoming Adversity |
Panicking | Participating |
Passive Aggressive Behavior | Patience |
Patronizing | Persecuting |
Perseverance | Persisting |
Persuading | Planning |
Playing | Politeness |
Positioning | Practicing |
Praising | Preparing |
Presenting | Pressuring |
Pretending | Procrastinating |
Promoting | Proposing |
Providing Feedback | Provoking |
Pursuing Goals | Pursuing Interests |
Rallying | Ranting |
Reaffirming | Reassuring Others |
Recommending | Reconciling |
Recovering From Failure | Reflecting |
Regret | Reinforcing |
Rejecting | Rejoicing |
Relating to Others | Relaxing |
Relying | Renewing |
Replying | Representing |
Resourcefulness | Responding |
Sabotaging | Self-Awareness |
Selflessness | Sharing |
Showing Appreciation | Showing Respect |
Showing You Care | Simplifying |
Social Loafing | Solving Problems |
Staying In Touch | Stifling |
Suffering | Suggesting |
Supporting Ideas | Supporting Others |
Suppressing | Sustaining |
Sympathizing | Taking Initiative |
Taking Responsibility | Talking |
Teaching | Teamwork |
Teasing | Thanking |
Thinking | Threatening |
Thriving | Transforming |
Trusting Others | Trying |
Undermining | Undervaluing |
Uniting | Validating |
Volunteering | Warmth |
Wasting | Welcoming |
Withdrawing | Withholding |
Working |
Positive Behaviors
Positive behaviors are actions that are constructive and friendly whereby they seek to build things up and interact cooperatively with others. This sounds straightforward enough but classifying behavior as positive or negative is surprisingly complex. For example, passive aggressive behavior where a person appears to be positive on the surface but has negative intent behind their actions and communication.Definition of Positive BehaviorActions and communication driven by constructive, cooperative and friendly intentions.
Positive behaviors are defined by intentions and can include things like toxic positivity or unintended consequences that produce negative outcomes. In other words, positive behavior isn't always positive in terms of its effects even where your intentions are good.Negative Behavior
Negative behavior are actions that are unfriendly or that seek to tear down as opposed to building up. This is also surprisingly hard to identify. For example, critical thinking and challenging assumptions may be slightly negative on the surface but are merely intended to be intellectually robust and honest. At some point, there is a line where complete honesty can be perceived as negative such as telling people about their negative traits without considering how this might make them feel.Definition of Negative BehaviorActions and communication driven by destructive or unfriendly intentions.
Behaviors that are negative on the surface may be fully based on reasonable and constructive intentions. For example, rejecting peer pressure whereby you are simply defending and asserting your independence from your peers. Overall, classifying a behavior as positive or negative requires a look at the nuance of each situation. Next read: Behavior