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150 Types of People

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People imagine themselves and others as having characteristics that can be described with powerful archetypes that have broad explanatory power. These originate with storytelling and other culture such as myths and legends whereby the same archetypes appear in many narratives such that they are extended over time to become quite complex and layered. The following are common examples of archetypes.
The Absent-minded Professor
The Adventurer
The Alpha Male
The Angry Loner
The Anti-Hero
The Athlete
The Attention Seeker
The Authority Figure
The Beautiful Loner
The Beta Male
The Big Baby
The Born Lucky
The Broken Optimist
The Builder
The Bully
The Caregiver
The Class Clown
The Clumsy Hero
The Coward
The Creative Genius
The Crusader
The Cynic
The Diplomat
The Disaffected Goth
The Dreamer
The Eccentric Billionaire
The Eccentric Misfit
The Egomaniac
The Empath
The Enchantress
The Enigmatic Scholar
The Everyman
The Explorer
The Fallen Hero
The Father Figure
The Femme Fatale
The Fool For Love
The Free Spirit
The Gamer
The Gangster
The Geek
The Gentle Giant
The Girl / Boy Genius
The Glutton
The Good Samaritan
The Gourmet
The Great Imposter
The Guardian Angel
The Guide
The Hardboiled Detective
The Healer
The Hipster
The Honorable Adversary
The Hopeless Romantic
The Hopelessly Boring
The Huntress
The Idealistic - believes their personal ideas become reality
The Imposter
The Incompetent Ruler / Boss / Chief
The Jock
The Leader of the Gang
The Likeable Villain
The Lone Hero
The Loose Cannon
The Lovable Rogue
The Lover
The Loyal Servant
The Loyalist
The Loyalist
The Mad Scientist
The Man Alone
The Master Builder / Craftsperson
The Matriarch
The Mentor
The Misunderstood Visionary
The Momma’s Boy
The Mother Figure
The Musician
The Mysterious Stranger
The Mystic
The Narcissist
The Natural Leader
The Nemesis
The Nerd
The Nice Guy
The Noble Journalist
The Noble King / Queen
The Nonconformist
The Nurturer
The Obstructive Bureaucrat
The Old Master
The Old Soldier
The Overachiever
The Patriarch
The People Person
The Philosopher
The Polished Professional
The Pollyanna
The Precocious Child
The Prep
The Priestess
The Provocateur
The Psychopath
The Queen Bee
The Rebel Without a Cause
The Reformer
The Reformer
The Reluctant Hero
The Reluctant Monster
The Resilient Survivor
The Rightful Leader
The Ronin - Samurai without a master
The Saboteur
The Scorned Goddess
The Scoundrel
The Seeker
The Shallow Rich Girl / Boy
The Shape-shifter
The Sidekick
The Sleazy Politician
The Smug Intellectual
The Social Climber
The Socialite
The Sociopath
The Star-Crossed Lovers
The Starving Artist
The Stickler
The Strong Silent Type
The Teacher's Pet
The Team Player
The Thug
The Trickster
The Trickster
The Try Hard
The Tyrant
The Useful Idiot
The Usurper
The Victim
The Village Idiot
The Voice of Reason
The Wanderer
The Warrior
The Weakling
The Whisky Priest
The Wicked Stepmother
The Wild Card
The Wingman
The Wise Old Sage
The Workaholic
The Worker Bee

Archetypes vs Personality Types

It is more common to try to describe people using concepts from popular psychology as opposed to using archetypes. The tendency here is to use a handful of labels whereby it is imagined that all people can be sorted into as few as 4 to 24 types that can each be logically explained with a few bright line rules.
Archetypes are much broader and far more layered, paradoxical and uncertain. People try to categorize others in order to simplify complex social situations and relationships. As such, the oversimplifications offered by popular psychology are attractive for this purpose.
Nevertheless, it is perhaps more imaginative to think of yourself or others using archetypes. As with personality types, this isn't going to be completely accurate but allows you to view others as having great depth that isn't readily explainable.
Thinking of yourself in terms of positive archetypes is one way to position your self-concept or the type of person you would like to become. This follows a greater theme in life where it is common for storytelling to shape goals and to become reality with time.


As they originate in storytelling, archetypes aren't always the most realistic way to look at people. Likewise, it is judgmental to directly label people with archetypes in any serious way. Nevertheless, archetypes are a rich culture that reflect reality to some degree. That is to say, that stories are usually designed to communicate truths about people, society and life. Conversely, archetypes are viewed as greatly influencing culture and culture in turn greatly influences personality and behavior. As such, they are perhaps a useful, if overly dramatic, set of concepts for thinking about behavior.
Next read: Archetypes


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