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125 Examples of Life Attitudes

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Life attitudes are an individual's general feelings about life and their approach to it. Attitudes change with time and aren't static. However, they can remain stable enough to shape and color an individual's thoughts and actions for significant periods of time. As such, an attitude change is likely to shift the entire course of a person's future. The following are examples of life attitudes.

Outlook on Life

Your general outlook on life including general positivity or negativity. Outlook also includes your views of change such as valuing tradition or viewing the past negatively and embracing a fast transformation away from it. Another common theme of outlook is whether you embrace society and its collective knowledge or believe that you are free to define reality for yourself.

Social Attitudes

Your approach to people and social situations. In practice, social attitudes are quite dynamic and change with your mood and the situation. However, each individual may also have certain attitudes or tendencies that they often shift towards. Likewise, some social attitudes such as loyalty may be unwavering and consistent over time.

Cognitive Attitudes

Approaches to thinking that you purposely or habitually adopt. Again, people aren't static and adopt their thinking to each situation but may also have a tendency to use one mode of thinking more than all others.

Moral Attitudes

Approaches to questions of right and wrong and the standards of behavior that an individual adopts for themselves. For example, a individual who values modesty and works towards being modest themselves.

Sense of Purpose

A sense of drive and direction in life. This can include a lack of these things whereby an individual has low motivation. It is also possible for an individual to have high energy but to be indecisive about how to use it. Sense of purpose doesn't require that you have a grand strategy for your life or that you are goal-oriented. For example, people can live passionately in the moment with intention.

Life Priorities

Things that you prioritize in life such as experience, relationships, personal growth, social status or wealth. This is a foundational attitude that would be likely to shape the entire direction of your life.
Next read: Attitudes


This is the complete list of articles we have written about attitudes.
Attitude Change
Attitude Toward People
Life Attitudes
Negative Attitudes
Personal Values
Positive Attitudes
Social Attitudes
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