All (165)
Social (26)
Communication (13)
Media Behaviors (13)
Professional (31)
Academic (14)
Personal (20)
Complex (16)
Character Traits (41)
Absenteeism | Aggression |
Apathy | Arrogance |
Avoidance | Avoiding Responsibility |
Backhanded Compliments | Backstabbing |
Being Evasive | Being Judgmental |
Being Late | Being Melodramatic |
Being Unapproachable | Belittling Others |
Belligerent | Bitterness |
Blame-shifting | Boastfulness |
Breaking Confidentiality | Bringing Personal Issues to Work |
Bullying | Callousness |
Catastrophizing | Character Assassination |
Cheating | Clinginess |
Complacency | Compulsive Behaviors |
Condescending | Contempt |
Controlling | Corporate Narcissism |
Cowardice | Cyberbullying |
Deceitful | Defeatism |
Delusional Behaviors | Denial |
Discrimination | Disdainful |
Disengagement | Disloyalty |
Disregarding Privacy | Disrespectful Behavior |
Disrespectful Humor | Disruptive Behavior |
Distractability | Distrustful |
Egotistical | Envious |
Exaggerating | Excessive Attention Seeking |
Excessive Competitiveness | Excessive Complaining |
Failing to Meet Commitments | Fear Mongering |
Gloating | Gossip |
Greedy | Harsh Criticism |
Herd Mentality | Hoarding Information |
Hoarding Resources | Hostile |
Hypocritical | Ignoring Deadlines |
Ignoring Others | Impoliteness |
Inauthentic | Indifference |
Indulgent | Inferiority Complex |
Inflated Sense of Entitlement | Inflexibility |
Ingratitude | Insincere Apologies |
Insincerity | Interrupting |
Intolerance | Irresponsibility |
Jealousy | Jumping to Conclusions |
Lack of Accountability | Lack of Cooperation |
Lack of Diligence | Lack of Focus |
Lack of Initiative | Lack of Nuance |
Lack of Punctuality | Low Self-Confidence |
Low Self-Discipline | Low Self-Esteem |
Making Excuses | Malcontent |
Manipulative | Mediocrity |
Micromanaging | Mudslinging |
Narcissistic Behavior | Negativity |
Neglectful | Not Being Supportive |
Not Listening | Obsessiveness |
One-upmanship | Over-sensitive |
Overbearing Control | Overconfident |
Overcritical | Overgeneralization |
Overindulgence | Overlooking Context |
Overly Critical | Overpromising & Underdelivering |
Overreacting | Overreliance & Dependence |
Oversharing | Overthinking |
Passive Aggression | Perfectionism |
Pessimism | Pettiness |
Plagiarism | Politicizing Things |
Procrastination | Ranting |
Recklessness | Resentment |
Resistance to Change | Risk Avoidance |
Rudeness | Sabotaging Peers |
Sabotaging Projects | Scapegoating |
Schadenfreude | Scornful |
Self-Satisfied | Self-pity |
Self-righteous | Self-sabotage |
Sensationalism | Shaming |
Short-tempered | Showing Favoritism |
Sidelining | Slander |
Smugness | Social Loafing |
Social Withdrawal | Stubbornness |
Superficial | Superiority Complex |
Taking Credit | Talking Over Others |
Toxic Positivity | Unambitious |
Undisciplined | Unforgiving |
Ungrateful | Unprofessional Conduct |
Unreliability | Victim Mentality |
Whining & Pouting | Withholding Affection |
Yelling |