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13 Examples of Event-Driven Architecture

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Event-driven architecture is software that implements functionality by producing and handling events. This can include specialized technologies such as messaging middleware or it can be accomplished with the native features of a programming language. Either way, a publish/subscribe model is typically used whereby producers of events are decoupled from consumers. The following are illustrative examples of events.

User Input

User input devices such as a game controller produce events.


Requests such as a user opening an ecommerce app is an event. Such an event might be consumed by a promotion engine that calculates recommended products and promotional content for the customer.


Sensors are devices that collect data from the real world. Some are designed to stream data while others report information on an event basis.

Business Rules

Business rules can trigger an event. For example, if a bank customer transfers more than $10,000 between accounts a business rule might trigger a large-transfer event. That event might be consumed by a security service that checks if that behavior is typical for the customer.


Commercially relevant events such as a payment or a signup for a service.


A process such as a service provisioning process for a cloud server. For example, milestones in a process can trigger events.


The submission of workflow tasks such as a manager who approves a vacation request.


Integration events such as a supplier who informs an ecommerce site that a product description has been updated.


Errors such as a robot that is unable to communicate with one of its sensors.


A timer or scheduler can trigger events.

Complex Events

Triggering events based on a large number of variables. For example, an earthquake detection algorithm that uses multiple variables to confirm that a large earthquake is underway.

Financial Events

Financial events such as a firm that submits a regulatory filing reporting stock sales by insiders.


Categorized news feeds that are of interest to an algorithm or artificial intelligence. For example, an announcement by a central bank.
Overview: Event-Driven Architecture
Implementing functionality by producing and handling events typically using a decoupled publish/subscribe model.
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