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Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management

20 Examples of Knowledge Management

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Knowledge management is the practice of capturing, controlling and effectively sharing meaningful information. This includes the straightforward administrative function of properly storing documents and media. Knowledge management may also include broad organizational culture initiatives to improve the sharing, use and quality of knowledge. The following are common examples of knowledge management functions and practices.
Knowledge Acquisition
Data collection, analysis and benchmarking practices such as market research that create data and actionable information.
Knowledge Audits
Evaluating an organization's knowledge assets and processes against a standard.
Knowledge Collaboration
Efforts to increase cross-functional collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Knowledge Creation
Processes that create knowledge such as business experiments and research & development.
Knowledge Culture
Initiatives to create a culture of sharing, using, managing and improving knowledge.
Knowledge Dissemination
Processes for sharing knowledge such as lunch and learn sessions or training programs.
Knowledge Governance
Oversight of knowledge processes. For example, monitoring compliance to knowledge quality processes.
Knowledge Leadership
Knowledge champions and stewards who promote good practices in the creation, sharing and management of knowledge.
Knowledge Maintenance
Version control, retention policies and quality control that maintains knowledge over time.
Knowledge Metadata
Tagging knowledge with descriptive information so that it can be discovered, governed and maintained.
Knowledge Organization
Information environments for accessing knowledge such as a taxonomy or hierarchy.
Knowledge Preservation
Preservation of knowledge e.g. backup and restore processes.
Knowledge Quality
Ensuring the quality of knowledge with practices such as standard templates and peer review.
Knowledge Reporting
Capturing and reporting knowledge metrics such as knowledge usage rates.
Knowledge Retrieval
Tools such as search that allow knowledge to be discovered.
Knowledge Security
Access control, encryption and cybersecurity for knowledge.
Knowledge Storage
Systems such as content management platforms, databases and document repositories that capture knowledge.
Knowledge Strategy
Knowledge goals and a plan to achieve them. For example, a goal of reducing knowledge waste.
Knowledge Transfer
Processes to try to sustain organizational knowledge that may be invested in individuals i.e. making sure that multiple employees know important things.
Knowledge Utilization
Processes and tools that ensure knowledge is used in decision making, problem solving, strategy, design and operations.

Knowledge Management

This is the complete list of articles we have written about knowledge management.
A Posteriori
A Priori
Anti Information
Artificial Knowledge
Body Of Knowledge
Corporate Memory
Dispersed Knowledge
Document Control
Document Quality
Domain Knowledge
Information Asymmetry
Information Management
Information Pollution
Knowledge Analysis
Knowledge Audit
Knowledge Discovery
Knowledge Loss
Knowledge Measurement
Knowledge Processes
Knowledge Quality
Knowledge Risk
Knowledge Transfer
Knowledge Value
Knowledge Velocity
Knowledge Waste
Knowledge Work
Known Unknowns
Master Copy
Meta Knowledge
Outside Context Problem
Propositional Knowledge
Situated Knowledge
Tacit Knowledge
Unknown Unknown
More ...
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