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7 Definitions of Architect

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Architect is a general term that is applied to a wide range of professions that are involved in the planning, design and implementation of complex things. Architects are typically generalists who bring together the work of specialists under a unified vision. The following are example definitions for several architecture professions.

Architect (General)

A generalist who designs structures.

Building Architect

Plans, designs and guides the construction of buildings and physical structures.

Landscape Architect

Designs outdoor environments and spaces.

Chief Architect

An executive who leads the structural design of an organization including business, technology, infrastructure, data and security.

Enterprise Architect

A technology generalist who advises and designs business and technology structures.

Business Architect

A business generalist who develops business strategies, plans, capabilities and programs of change.

Software Architect

A software expert who designs software and provides general technical guidance.

System or Application Architect

A specialist who designs and provides technical leadership for a system or application.

Information Architect

Designs the structure of user experience for information environments.


In some jurisdictions, the use of terms such as architect and landscape architect are commercially protected.

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